omfg....they already answered that... It only gets you downloads, and doesnt count as a feature..done story I'll prolly be making the map with camoflaug this weekend, and the one after that...oh teh noez!!!
Sorry if Voltage gets featured (believe me, its as good as I say it is) than this contest will help me get premium. I should have read everything. Sorry. IF its good wnough is it eliganle for a feature though?
Here's my map I've been working on for the past 2 days... I still have a lot to go though :squirrel_wink:
I'm assuming we can move/delete the spawn point? Also, can we make it so the mancannon doesn't launch you? It's technically not blocking any of your template off...
Of course you can. Except the teardrop MUST BE IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE. Blood will be measuring DOWN TO THE CENTIMETER! :lol:
is it against the rules block off the ghost by merging it into a single box? i dont really want the ghost to be used in my map. (i may not get the map done in time for the competition though.
I too was wondering this...? I plan to block it off with a fencebox, but dont want to ruin the map if I do do so.....any ideas Bl00d?
I'm pretty sure you can't he said you cannot block off any part of the template and blocking off the ghost would be part of the template...
you can put a block in so it stops the man cannon, not blocks it, and yes you can delete the spawn point. no touching it accept the re-spawn time. roflol Yes it is sorry, the ghost was the challenge this round. Im checking now bish
ugh my budget glitch exploded on the map. I got party bombed by 6 people at once while i was saving the map and now i may just have been knocked out of the competition. But anyways heres what I have so far( gimme a sec to take teh picture lol). Beware Bl00D F1R3, The AZN is coming
ya lol got a little sidetracked heres a couple. as you can see, i still need to fill in a lot of spaces
Looking forward to this. Ima participate! Good luck on mah first contest and all that. Although a little worried, everyone's maps look kick-ass! Loving the shield doors there OtherDark.