Me and my friend were on The Storm, doing the amazingly awesome flying dumpster exploit/glitch. We got going and we could see, we hit something, spun around alot, then turned and landed on the scarab. Before we could get back in, the scarab moved and the dumpster flew off the edge. We took out the power core, and i jumped off a few seconds before it blew up. But my friend wasn't with me. I looked up and saw him just jumping. In midair the scarab exploded and he landed to get out of its way just in time. It was AWESOME!! When i get my capture card you'll get a video.
Me and my friend are making glitch tutorials on campaign and were suing that very glitch. if you haven't tried yet, try to fly it onto the beached boat that's cut in half.
Could you put it on your fileshare? It would be really cool if I could Download that to Halo and watch it. Linky?
you can save it as a film, put it on your file share. then all you gotta do is put the link to bungie. that way we can dload it from there and watch it on xbl.
Ya ive done this many times its pretty cool one time me and my friends got out so far out of the map we could fly the banshees that were wayyyyy out the map it was really cool!!
Haha, you are obviously lying. There is no way to fly those Banshees way outside the map, because if you have seen them up close, you will see that they are actually low-res depictions of Banshees. They are not flyable.
coolieo i want to see that vid badly i did it once at my friends we were heading for the scarab to take it out but it turned at the last 3 secs and we hit a wall shot we die