
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by FullMetalJacket, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    dan scfc and II ELITE BR II present, an ELITE SCFC production,


    Download it here!

    Prologue l
    Just hours after the release of Hybrid V1.5, dan scfc and II ELITE BR II were back on blank Foundry starting work on their last map of 2008. Known, as 'Crosswired' during development. This is a two based symmetrical map, designed for team games and suitable for 2-8 players.
    It is our last map of 2008 for many reasons. We will be back to bring 2009 in with a bang. We really wanted to step away from the two bases centrepiece style of Crossroad and Hybrid and move a bit closer to Knife Edge. We think we have done a really good job and we hope you like it. I will be around ForgeHub offering my advice and stuff. Also, I'd like to see you playing Gears of War 2. (The main reason why our map production is on hold.) Thanks to all that commented, downloaded and offered feedback on our maps. See you in 2009!

    l Weapon LIst l
    2x Assault Rifle
    4x Battle Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher
    2x Carbine

    l Equipment List l
    8x Frag Grenades
    8x Plasma Grenades
    1x Regenerator
    1x Bubble Shield

    l The Map l

    Overview of Apocalypse

    Attackers Base

    Defenders Base

    Sniper Base & Upper Platform

    View Down Base to Base 'Highway'

    l Weapon Spawns l

    Rocket Launcher Spawn

    Shotgun Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    l Action Shots l

    Highway to Hell

    From Above!

    He's Behind You...

    One Last Effort

    See ya Later!

    Taken down on Highway


    Touch of Blue

    l Map Layout l

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Download Apocalypse here!

    l Testers l
    IX ProDiGy OI
    Desert Rat 852

    [COLOR=Orange]l Tips l

    • Taking control of the bridge is important as it contains the shotgun and links the two bases. Make sure the control the top of the bridge and below. The battles surely rests here in Slayer.

    • Controlling the sniper is important, however you wont stand a chance up there on your own, make sure your friend is up there with you, preferably with a BR to stop close-range attackers.

    l FAQ l

    Why is this your last map of 2008?
    A. There are many reasons. For starters, I really don't think the testers guild works. It was a complete struggle to get 8 players in. The main one really though is Gears of War 2, I couldn't see myself not playing that game till 2009.

    Q. Why do you always seem to stay with the three power weapons of a rocket launcher, a sniper and a shotgun?
    A. We have received many complements about our weapon placements. This power weapon combination has always seemed to work well on all our maps. It also did on Apocalypse.

    Q. Why name 'Apocalypse'?
    A. The old English dictionary trick again :D

    Q. Is your next map already in production?
    A. Well basically, ELITE is a big Halo fan. So when I'm off playing Gears 2, he'll be hard at work on the new map. he deserves big props for all the work he does. He's a legend :D

    Thanks to all that comment, download and give us feedback! Bungie ratings would be awesome.

    One more time..

    Download Apocalypse here!

    dan scfc and ll ELITE BR ll
    See you next year!

  2. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    This is a forum, sweetheart. You can't post something and just expect for an outburst of replies. Be patient.
    JASONYO likes this.
  3. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Great map. Could be interlocked in some places but all in all a great all around map. I'll probably download and edit this reply with some more information afterwards.
  4. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Everything is extremely well interlocked and the gameplay looks awesome, I'm gonna have a try and come back laterz, anyway great job and I would love to see more.... 4.5/5
  5. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    At the moment, all I can say is that this looks fantastic. I have yet to see how it will play though. I will come back with a review later.
  6. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Just want to point out that looking at this map I want to go and have a complete holiday full of headshots at your sniper spawn! This map looks excellent. I like the power weapon placement the and the structures around them! The only thing I do not see is... is there any kind of grenades or equipment by the sniper spawn? If there is not that is my suggestion!

  7. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    looks pretty interesting
    cant tell until i play tho
    hope it is kewl
    from looks, no merging, but i really do not care
    deoends on gameplay, which looks fun
  8. Whitehawk

    Whitehawk Ancient
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    NO MERGING??! <jk> The map looks nice without merging and even with it, it wouldn't look THAT different. Or would it...? Probably not but I do say its a nice map.
  9. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys. I've noticed a few promised reviews that aren't here.... Anyway, there is merging on this map. And I put lot of effort into this post, could I get some good rep?
  10. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    First: You don't get your promised reviews right away. You had only posted this 11 hours ago, give it a couple of days.
    Second: No, don't ask for +rep if you think you did a good job posting something. Actually, don't ask for +rep at all.

    I don't really have anything to say much about the map, except I have something I want to bring up. The shotgun and rocket spawn, they seem extremely close to each other. Seems as if in game someone can just pick up both and be a walking powerhouse, but I shouldn't complain about it now. I shall DL and take a look myself.
  11. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    This map, is, well awsome! I only had a chance to test this map one lonely time but the time I did I think we played every game varient except VIP, Juggernaught, and Infection, but most maps don't play those game types, so it doesn't matter.

    When I first played this map I was amazed at the middle double boxes interlocked so smoothly together and forming a very nice ramp up to the middle from the wall. When you play this game the action doesn't take place in one spot like most maps but almost everywere, except the corners(which are rarely used except for spawing).

    Onto teh 1337 reviewzorz

    Gameplay 9/10: The gameplay in this map is amazing and the power weapons cancel each other out, so the gameplay does not fall to one side for all power. Also when you play any objective gametype that middle becomes a massive death pit of dead flag carriers and bomb runners. The only reason for the -1 in this section is if one team has all the power weapons you can't kill them easliy at all.

    Creativity 9/10: When the game started in which I tested this map my first reaction/intinct was to go and explore the map to learn were everything is at. What I found were flawlessly interlocked boxes, ramps, elevated shooting ranges/sniper spot and even houses in the far corners of the map! I don't know of so many symmetrical map that pulled of the creativeness of this map and placement of asthetic buildings and tunnels.

    Asthestics 9/10: The asthetics in this map are great for a symmetrical map. The houses on the side are very nicely made, and also can be uned as sniper spots*hint**hint*. The boxes are all very nice and smooth and no bad interlocking. The way fence walls are used on each side looks very nice when in a game and also has a extra helpfulness of killing people on the hill above you. This map looks great and also playes great!

    Overall 27/30: Overall this map looks, plays, and is just great. This map is perfect for Competetive map lovers and Casual(some) alike. The objective gametypes play very well on this map and some of the areas are great for gameplay even if at first you thought, "Oh, nobody will ever go over here..." usually ever place is used, one game I even had all the fighting in one corner of the map. That never usually happens in a map, the fighting goes back to the middle, but this map makes the fighting be spread out all over.

    If you are looking for a fun map to play definatly play this map, it will be enjoyable for all game varient it's set up for. If you are on the edge of DL or NO DL, you should at least give this map a test run and DL to see if you enjoy it or not!
    Awkward Silence likes this.
  12. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    Thanks for the review, Zack. I'll quote you in the post
    #12 FullMetalJacket, Oct 20, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  13. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    Originally Posted by Enslaved bunny [​IMG]
    good layout. I like the bridge that goes under the middle. I just dont think you should have a rocket on this map. Great job. 4/5

    Bit of a simple post but oh well. The rockets and shotgun are close but it doesn't really affect gameplay (I think). The chances of a V2 for this map are practically zero, but if we did maybe we would look into it. We also like the bridge too, it adds something different to the gameplay.

    Thanks for all the comments, bungie ratings and downloads.

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