Sniper Rifle Table of Contents .................................................................................................... Weapon Properties Description Tips and Tricks Weapon Properties .................................................................................................... Family: UNSC Class: Single Wielding Range: Long Ammunition Type: Bullet Clip Size: 4 Rounds: 20 Firing Rate (approximate): 1 shot per second Reload Time (approximate): 3 seconds Damage per Hit: High Accuracy: High Firing Mechanism: Semi-automatic Scope Zoom: 5X, 10X Medals: Sniper Kill, Sniper Spree, Sharpshooter Description .................................................................................................... The SRS99D Sniper Rifle is the primary long-range rifle used by the UNSC forces. Advantages: - Overall, very user friendly - Takes up less of the screen than the beam rifle, giving you a better understanding of your surroundings Disadvantages: - Sniper trail stays for a few seconds, which can easily give away your position - Slower rate of fire than the beam rifle - Makes large noise when fired
wow, this isn't really to helpful, but its interesting, and he fact that you took the time to do this is cool, or did you just get it off of halopedia. either way, maybe you could make one for every gun
What exactly is this supposed to do for us? It's interesting, but unless you do this for every single weapon, I can't imagine why we need a whole thread talking a little bit about a Sniper Rifle.
Kinda cool that you are showing specifics (where ever you got them) but anyone who has been playing a decent amount of time would probably know most of this.
i think if you made a sniper insructional video u could do more of these posts and be more respected by the FH community
You forgot one other advantage of the Halo 3 sniper rifle. It is also effective at close range. And therein lies the problem. A sniper rifle is supposed to be good at long range only. It should be much more difficult to use it effectively at close range or without the scope, but it isn't.