I have witnessed the best double stick of my life and I DID IT!!! Here's the story: So I was playing 2 flag on Standoff when I spawn right by a mongoose located to the right of the base without that big tree (the one with the active camo by it). So that's where I spawn. Okay, so then I go forward to get the mongoose when one of my inbred teammates grabs it and drives off, so that pisses me off and then I start jumping around. I jump towards the sticky grenades near the large antennae thing, when all of the sudden someone starts shooting me from the rocks near the boundary of the neutral zone in between each base. I run out of range of this mysterious shooter. So then I grab the stickies, run to the right of the circle thing that sticks up that is located near the antennae, then I slightly look up and throw a grenade. I go back a distance then go forward to see what happens when all the sudden the grenade just barely catches the brute shot blade on this guy's back. So I'm pretty stunned by then and I decide to try getting another. Well, lucky me, a warthog turret starts shooting at me, so again, I grab a sticky and throw it slightly elevated and I nail this guy in the warthog turret! I GOT TWO STICKIES IN A ROW!!! But the turret guy kill me before the sticky takes effect. Well, I'm pretty dang proud of this and I'll make sure to get a video up just as soon as gamevee grab is back up. I'll post that vid on frogehub also.
That sounds pretty cool to get them twice in one game. Yesterday I was playing Team SWAT on Blackout, and we have the lead so I'm near Bubble Shield (not in SWAT) and I happen to have some stickies. Knowing that they spawn on BR tower a lot, I toss the plasma over Sniper and then it lands right next to a guy as he spawns. BOOM! He's dead. I bet he was like, "WTF!?" whenever it happened too. =)
sound kool, nerve wracking too. ya get up a vid, i need to see this. the nuteral zone, ive never heard of that. well, ive never called it that.
That's pretty cool. Kinda boring though. I thought it was two with one sticky. I was just playing mlg oddball on guardian and got a triple sticky.
good but make it more exciting soundin i almost got one if my friend didnt betray me but thats the waty it goes
I've gotten a double kills with 2 different stickies on Construct on people going up two separate lifts The brute shot stick sounds pretty sick though, makes you worry about the weapon you run around carrying on your back...
Was only the brute shot seeable behind the stone? Or the whole guy? Anyways, thank you; your thread reminded me of my stick videos I still want to upload. I have 12 sick stick videos yet. Maybe I will make a top 10 sticks video... Stick@1: Last Resort: On the entrance to this path up to the "door in the rocks", I throw a stick grenade through the hole of the middle of the wheel, and it sticks a sniping guy near the stairs where the spartan laser is. Stick@2,3,7: Construct, I threw a stick grenade into purple lift from above, sticks while flying down. Stick@3: Standoff: I threw stick at the ground, Guy comes round corner, He is killed by it, I throw a sticky cross map, sticks someone taking cover behind rock, explosion hurts another guy, I BR him... Stick@4: Construct: I stand at the top of orange lift, see both spartans (team doubles) walking at the brute shot path; I throw stick through the lift, stick one of them, other one is hurt and irrited, shoots at the air and jumps into lift, and I BR him from above. STick@5: Guardian: I Have sniper, HS two guys at camo, Kill one coming out of lift, see red dot at my radar, turn around and stick invisible guy. ... Stick@11 (my skill-stick that I am most proud of): Guardian: MLG: I get stick grenades where the shotgun on normal guardian spawns, and go into the lift towards snipe tower. While walking toward it, I see someone walkin from hammer to sniper direction/mauler to nothing (...), so I count his steps. While flying, I throw a stick grenade at the way up, and I stick him.