Here I be listing the importance of equiptment in map, and which equiptment effects gamplay the most. I hope this will help many of you when your making a map and not sure what equiptment to put in. Also I am not saying which equiptment is better im saying what will make the amplay better. Order from effectiveness of Gamplay. 1. Regenerator 2. Power Drain 3. Bubble Shield 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Descriptions, how strategic equiptment is: Well there are many diffrent choices for equiptment. I will be giving a brief desciption on the Regenerator and the Bubble Shield. First ill start of with the Regenerator. Regenerator: The regenerator is a very helpful gamplay peice of equiptment. It is one of my favorites because it can change gamplay so much. Example: Your in a action sceen and its an even fight, but someone picks up the regenerator and has a 85% chance of winning the battle. Also if someone is across the map with a sniper and you have to crouch down but theres another guy coming around the corner, you could through the regenerator kill the guy around the corner and get out of the fight with the sniper. Those are two simple examples of the regenerator use. The regenerator is a very powerful peice of equiptment. Thats my pick. Power Drain: The Power Drain is a very useful item in diffrient ways. A power drain can be used in a very fast action scene, example: you see someone coming but dont think you can beat him, simply throw the power drain and it takes down all of his shields and you have a 90% chance of beating him. Another use for the powerdrain is when you have vehicles in a map, when you trow the power drain and a vehicle comes in contact with it, it will stop the vehicle and drain the persons shields. The power drain is a very useful piece of equiptment, and will help you map alot in gamplay. Bubble Shield: The Bubble Shield is also a powerful peice of equiptment. The regenerator is a better peice of qeuiptment because it has more effect on gamplay. The Bubble Shield gets you out of danger right away, giving the player about 3 seconds before the opponent gets into the bubble shield. But the regenerator gets you safe but you still have to fight instead of getting those 3 exta seconds. The are both very strategic peices of equiptment but regenerator wins over effectivness of gamplay. There for the regenerator is a better peice of equiptment. Who agrees? Please comment on your opinons. To be Continued
The power drain should be third probably because it is very common in matchmaking and can cut off routes in CTF or assault that could be used as easy shortcuts. It can also be used to disable vehicles that are also carrying flags or bombs. Unlike the plasma pistol or grav lift, it can be used to block and disable vehicles.
For the worst equipment, I'd say trip mine. Only a complete idiot wouldn't see one and walk on to it.
Thats why you have to be like me and throw it in there face and BR it.. Tripmines are VERY useful if you know how to use them. PS: I rape with trip mines. :-D Radar jammers are a great tool in custom games (because it is not in matchmaking anymore) for me because of your ability to jump off of it in mid air as if you were double jumping. Power drainers can be used to take out a few enemies at once or can give you a good escape therefor being extremely useful. Also.. Regens DON'T ever work for me. Everyone just uses there all mighty ARs to beat the hell out of me. lol.
I'd say flare, simply because they piss everyone off lawlz. Someone running at you with a shotty? simply blind their ass and run away/assassinate them! problem solved
I'd put power drainers further up the list, they allow you to statically block off certain hallways and BR down people. You should do a little write up on that. also you spelt equipment wrong
1. regenerator 2. bubble shield 3. power drain 4. radar jammer 5. flare 6. grav lift 7. trip mine I put the trip mine last only because it is never used in any matchmaking playlists I go in and when I do use them they always suck. The power drain and radar jammer are quite useful in most medium to smaller maps because of the radius of the two. The radar jammer works quite well with a larg radius and the power drain just drains the shields ridiculiously fast leaving the enemy vulnerable to a headshot of a BR, Magnum or Carbine.
There is no best equipment. It is all how you use it. I completely disagree, the Bubble sheild is vastly superior to the regenerator. If you're in that situation you speak of with the regen, essentially all it helps you with is BR battles, AR battles and melee double situation. The bubble sheild protects from all danger and provides wonderful grenade luring. Power Drain is probably the most devastating piece of equipment in my opinion. As I said, it all depends on how you use it. You cannot say the rocket launcher is better than the plasma rifle, it all depends on the situation and how you use it.
As you are right, theres no best its just what time you use it and what it can do to help you. But in my thread its not exatly saying what equiptment is better its saying which one effects gamplay the most. Yes the power drain is a great peice of equiptment, it can take down vehicles and get people low shields. So a power drain could be first or second. Ill add that in today.
Yea but I would say it's the funnest. Especially on small maps, and when you get one under a vhicle coming at you.
In my opinion, regen, bubble, drain, and jammer all tie for 1st becuase they are all very useful for different purposes. Saying which is best is like comparing water with soda. None of them are better than the other because none of them have the same purpose. If used properly, all be very effective. Personally though, I'm not a huge fan of any equipment.
i think the power drain should be first because it can take down shields very fast go into bubble shields destroy nearby regens stop vehicles in their tracks but yea its just my opinion really though it can really cancel out the regen and bubble shield.
In my opinion, Regen kills gameplay, whereas Bubble Shield only pospones it. I always have offensive and defensive equipment in a map, but i find Power Drain to be the best. It actually requires targeting, and is not always successful.
hate to say it just is how u use it like a buuble shield could save ur frinds life by throwing it off a ledge for them power drain block off routs regen all around good pretty much all have str and weakneses
I'd say bubble sheild first cuz it has save my ass countless times. 2nd would be power drain cuz it will stop vehicles in their tracks and lowers enemie's sheilds for an instant kill with a br. 3rd would be regen cuz it helps in melee and AR fights. everything else pretty much sucks though