wow, this game is amazing, it looks like soo much fun. I love the big open cage for the mice, and then the tremor flies in and all hell breaks loose. Looks really fun, will DL SOON
I was just wondering if this was an honor rule or not and i'm sure people coming into the game would wonder the same thing. Seeing as the zombie can't really be run over it would give the mice more time to survive.
Mastar! Thanks for the game. Its really fun. The only thing I don't get, is, the mancannon thing. Its just... Totally random. And completely outta place. Anyway, good job. neads moar int3rlocking, reed furging 101 to m4k3 b3ttr meps
i like the originality but what happens if the tremor flips his vehicle cant a mouse just take it because he has the ability to get in vehicles too? 4/5 for me
A great collision of two awesome games! Even with honor rules, it's very enjoyable. I have a question however; why did you use Foundry rather than Valhalla, since both of the two gametypes that meet in this game originated from a variant on Valhalla or are you going to make more variants of maps supporting this gametype? Either way this is pretty ingenious.
Was really fun, I played in the TGIF. If it was on Valhalla, it wouldn't be nearly as fun. The small, crammed little area makes it quick and more fun. If it was bigger, it would take forever. Also, redshadow was rockin the bridges in the middle, stayed lastman for 3min
This map and game are a lot of fun. Having played it the other night with the Cat 'n' Mouse group, I can say that you've put considerable time and effort into making something simple, and yet utterly enjoyable. My only complaint is how hard it can be for the mice to get around the arena sometimes. Aside from that, not a lot stands to be improved. Good job. ^_^ Oh, and good work as well with the geomerged bridge pieces in the center. That little obstacle worked out really well.
Mastar, you MUST see the pictures/video from my TGIF. We piled all the mongooses into a makeshift "mongoose fort of destiny!", and then we hid behind it. Its hilarious, the chopper had to take a while to pick through the gooses to get to us. And the recon makes it that much cooler
Link link link link link link? That sounds so epic :'D Some one (Vorpal Saint I think) Told me about that. I wish I could have been there. Have you posted your recap yet?
Yeah, Vorpal was in my partay. And nope, pics will be up soon though. Maybe I'll take a video clip. Just FYI: I'm Insane54 and I approve of this map *looks heroically to the outside of Blackout*
Finally got my first game on here and it was great fun. I pulled off some pretty sick 'goose tricks when the mancannon spawned. I was having so much fun that I really didn't care if I got run over. Great mini-game, Mastar. I know this will spawn some more map variants of the gametype, which should be a high compliment.