Wow this acctually looks like an awsome objective map. The base designs are a lot different than what ive seen great job
Thank you Mailbox. I was definitely aiming for uniqueness so I'm glad you mentioned that. Thanks for the feedback :]
Wow, great how you Interlocked those Save-Quit methoded objects, that's really hard! So, the map looks awesome, very cool Tower, pretty good placement, and a good post, well done, this looks great!
I just played one flag on this and it was awesome! We were 10 players and my team totally pwned the crap out of the other team. I got some nice snipes and lasers, so yeah I was the best one in my team too . We scored 2-0! Some people had problems getting up again if when they fell down lol. Butt, when I played one flag some of the attackers would spawn on the tower. They took our flag twice but I sniped them while on their way down . So yea: Major error: Attackers spawn in the tower when playing Ctf! Fix the spawns! I smell a feature...
That map looks pretty intense. I've never seen anything like it on Avalanche before. I'll give it a dl and 5/5 from me. Nice job!
Alot of time and effort must have gone into this. The structures look amazing and are really well made. Also the geo-merged boxes at the bottom look like they were frozen into the ice. THIS IS EPIC 10/10
this is cool and i love the idea maybe but some alternate routes up to the top of the tower also did you block off the rest of the map?
Thanks Da Pig. I am really glad that you liked it. Thats kinda weird that you had spawning troubles because I playtested this A LOT and I never had such a problem. I will definitely look into that though. I appreciate the great review and I'm glad you dl'd. Thanks man. Thanks Many Popes. thanks for the feedback. I guess your right. those boxes sorta do looks like they are frozen in. :]
I think this is one of the most original avalanche maps I've seen. I love the structure/tower thing you made. great job with aesthetics and geomerging too. cant wait to see what you make next. 5/5 and keep it up.
Nice map. This is a very creative capture the flag map for Avalanche. I like how you have geomerged the boxes into the snow. This map is a must download.
Wow, I'd have to say this is one of the best looking avalanche bases I've ever seen! It also looks very playable. But sadly, most of my friends have an attention span no bigger than infection, but if you set up infection spawns I might be able to have some fun with this . I'll give it a temporary B+
Pretty sweet map! 5/5! My only problem is how easily the defenders can laser/rocket the attacker's hornet before the attacking team uses it.
Sweet Piece of Forging Dude, As soon as i get home or on a computer that allows me to get to bungie a definete download Well done
Flag games on Avalanche maps have always had that air support implementation. I think it adds a little zing to the gameplay to require call in your hornet to pick you up. This map is well forged and indeed thought out. Again another map that pulls away from foundry. Great map. 5/5
I remember testing the very first version of this way back at like the beginning of the summer or maybe even earlier or later i dont know. But so long ago. It was loads of fun and very smooth and well made