Road Kill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by StarElite616, Oct 17, 2008.


What is most impressive about this map?

  1. teh freakin ghost floatin through teh floor, hells yeah!

  2. the super awesome addictive gameplay!

    0 vote(s)
  3. the whole damn thing is amazing!

  1. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    You think you know hide and seek? Think again! The best Halo 3 hide and seek type map ever made! The cool thing is that I wasn't even planning on making a good map, it just kind of happened :)

    So here's basically what you do:

    If you're zombie, you will be shot down the "cannon man" (lol) tunnel and will land next to a ghost.

    get in the ghost and wait 10 seconds

    here's what happens if you don't get in the ghost (the reason for all the damn teleporters :D)

    after 10 seconds, your ghost will start to rise

    before you know it, you're inside an arena that appears empty, but it's not...

    you can choose to either splatter the hiders (most fun :D)

    ...or you can shoot them! (easier most of the time but not as entertaining)

    so much fun is contained in this nifty little map! :D

    here's an overview incase you haven't gotten a good enough feel for the map yet

    notice the beautifully interlocked stairs :D, that's for you interlock freaks :D

    My friends and I played this game 5 times in a row after I made it today. It can be addictive. Some awesome s*** is bound to happen in every game.

    You probably stopped reading when you saw the ghost going thru the floor :D and have scrolled down looking for the download link. I'll be nice and just give it to you already. Here's the map, gametype, and a clip of gameplay with 7 players.

    DOWNLOAD Road Kill
    DOWNLOAD Splatter Phobia (Gametype)
    DOWNLOAD 2:08 Sample Clip

    I recommend at least 6 players, 3 at the very minimum (2 is just back and forth killing, which = not fun).

    Have fun playing this map with your friends.

    If you get a party of 16 please put the film of the game in your fileshare and let me know, I want to see how good it works with a full party and see how amazing the sprees are :D.

    You simply have to download this map. Feel free to study my ghost coming through the floor technique and make your own amazing maps using it.

    Please vote in the poll at the top after having read this post.
    #1 StarElite616, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
    Combat P3nguin likes this.
  2. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    hey man, great map, but here is some advice: post maps during the afternoon, because way more people will see it then. This looks like an amazing map with incredible potential, but the # of people who see it is drastically reduced
    IVIercinator likes this.
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    this would be the best hide and seek game 4.9 for me
    gameplay i would think would be nealy perfect
    to me this would be a perfect game
    p.s interlocking and geo merging would make it look better and make a lot more downloads but to me i am downloading anyway

    i am giving you good rep my freind
  4. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    this is a great idea, i can imagine just randomly boosting around in the ghost and splattering kids :) the only thing wrong with the map, is that you could go back and interlockz teh boxes, cuz people r gonnna look at this and think its ugly. trust me, interlocking the whole thing will make it WAY easier to look at.
  5. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Could need more hiding spots, but the general idea is great! The ghost rising is also a good addition to the game, it makes it more fancy. As said, add some more hiding spots looking a little different, and it will be even better.

    One thing that could be a problem is the gravity. People can easily jump over the ghost to avoid it. Also, if you jump from ome of the upright pallets, you can get onto the crane and out of the map, just FYI. I suggest lowering the gravity a tiny bit.

    Does the hiding spots respawn? Considering the ghost can just plow through the hiding spots once to win, i think they should.

    A very original idea though, props for that! I will download it and play it on saturday with a 8 people party if it supports it.
  6. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Amazingly Incredible is what this map is, I've never played hide and seek before, but just LOOKING at this map makes me desperate to get a huge party and play it! And the ghost going through the floor is genius! 5/5 and a download! You deserve it!
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This is quite clever. And original (ish) How does the Ghost rise up through the floor? Are there any honour rules? I like the way the zombie has to find the humans...
  8. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    Christ, holy man!!!! 300 views in 12 hours, wtf lol, I knew it would be popular, but not this popular lol

    Hmm... To address all the comments... Gonna try to do this fast, got a class in 20 minutes :D

    Most important answered first:
    I didn't explain the gametype, sorry ;) ill do that now
    Ghost guy = slow, heavy (amap), gold, 300% dmg, only 1 ghost guy
    Humans = 100% speed, heavy (amap), white, good invis, 1 life

    Floor interlox... Yeah... I know!!! lol, I was making this originally with interlocks for the floor, but it was taking too long, if anyone is fast with interlockz could you please help me make version 2 (the way version 1 was going to be). I'm not going to give away what the original was going to be, but lets just say what it did was eliminate jumping and make the ghost ride ON the floor, not above. I have the easy part of this version done already, and done PERFECTLY smooth :). The original looked better, I must admit, but it seriously would have taken me 20 hours +. This uninterlocked version only took me 3-4 hours. I realize the floor is kinda shitty, but it works fine gameplay wise, you only sink slightly into it every now and then and walkers aren't messed up at all, so its all good :).

    There are no "honour" rules, lol I find British words funny tee hee hee.

    So you want to know how the ghost comes through the floor perfectly every time? Well I'm not telling, because I'm a ***** like that, yeah. You'll just have to download it and find out. I'll keep this unanswered to give bored people something to do. Find out how I did it and reply :).

    As far as there not being enough hiding spots, no they don't respawn. However, the time limit is only 2 minutes.

    Lastly, I'll give some gameplay tips that I discovered while playing this with my friends.
    1. Try staying behind the ghost the whole time, works sometimes
    2. Can't find anyone? Try going in the corner and spraying bullets around the whole map slowly. If you didn't hit anything, he either jumped (and just barely dodged (jump is low), or he is somewhere near you, boost away then rape that corner :D.
    3. Try not to move when possible, moving seems to make you more visible.
    4. Boost a lot, it makes them more visible :).
    5. Lay off the right trigger a bit there fella, the splatters r waht makes teh game!
    6. Most importantly, don't forget to get in the ghost when you're it, lol, one of my friends died twice in one game as a pose to getting 14 possible kills lol.
  9. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    hey i love the part where the ghost just kind of rises, thats really cool. As for the zombie, is it easy to get into the ghost before you hit the teleporters? thats my only concern, other than that, it looks simple and fun
  10. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    Yes, it lands you right next to the ghost :)

    If you're not in the ghost in 10 secs, you die and the next round starts, this makes it better than a game where ghost just flies into the arena or spawns in the arena with no control over whether the person gets in it or not. It should be cheat-proof and noob-resistant, let me know of any bugs encountered.

    I will be back on around 3:00 today (Friday the 17th) possibly and then I will not be on to answer questions until Monday or later. Please continue to reply, download, and rate my map. Thanks, and enjoy!
  11. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    ill help you out this weekend dude, just inv me to a game and we can get started...

    also i think that the floor could be like 3x as large if you used all of the double open, single, and single open boxes. also i noticed that you had to build up the barrier walls some to blockade players... i got some ideas that can help to fix that ;)
  12. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    I might not be on this weekend, next weekend might be better, but yeah, you probably are thinking the same thing I'm thinking for the map idea, so if you're truly good at interlocking we could make the next version some other time. I have to write a paper and am working the whole weekend and I'm not sure about next weekend yet, I don't have my work schedule. I'll pm you when I figure out some free time.

    Anyways, back to the topic... Discuss...
  13. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Interlocking is not necessary so suggesting it was about 100% stupid spam. I doubt there are grenades and the people are either hiding or on a ghost. That means they are sitting still or floating, so the bump has absolutely no effect.

    EDIT: I suggest making the pallets stationary through the use of either receiver nodes or weapon holders. That way you can set them to instant respawn and, also, a 'hider' won't accidentally knock one down. I think you should add more hiding places too. Or maybe even uneven terrain-- likes bumps or slight hills in the arena. And as someone already said, set the hiders' gravity high.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Its a pretty unique map, but uhhh.
    Hes your friend in life right? lawl, 300 views in half a day is not hard here on forgehub.
    Infact almost every map gets up there pretty soon.
    Then you have people like Bl00D and that blaze something guy who get in the thousands in the first day.
  15. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    thats a genius map right thurrz, I love the gost rising, I know how you did that:
    -movable objects can't be interlocking, so they will go through anything just to get space, great idea there, I would love helping you making a V2, please send me a PM and invite me online, don't wrry its gun be key, I'm a great forger, just believe me when I say that and a map needs at least 8 hours to be awesome or it's a minigame or something like that, hey its better then 3 months like Collision (I'm also maker of that, so......), hope I can help ya out and I'm online all the time.
  16. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #16 DDjusD, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  17. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    actually, nvm, I'm just going to make v2 myself. I want it to be perfect and I want to take all the credit for making it, but thanks for offering help. Has anyone tried this map yet? Do you like it?
  18. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    sweet map
    i definantly dled it
    amazing floating ghost, almost like the ghost is a ghost! =D
    ill try for that 16 people thing
  19. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
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    Wow Looks like fun! I'm going to try this out, well anyways nicely done =D
  20. Angry French Fries


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    WOW! I never expected an Idea as awesome and complex as this one. AWESOME job. I played it with my friends and it was so much fun. for the forging i give it a 4.5/5 and for game-play and fun a 6/5.

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