I have looked at the Spawns tutorial and found nothing on what i wanted to know, so i will ask here. Me and a friend have created a forged foundry map. 3 gametypes can be played on the map - TS, Bomb and Flag. Now, i want to do what MLG has done with The Pit. They have the spawns set so that in TS and Flag, each team spawns on they're side of the map every time. However, when King of the Hill is played, each team can spawn anywhere on the map. I want to do that with my map. I want spawns set so that in Bomb and Flag, each team always respawns in they're starting spawn base, but for TS, i want players to respawn anywhere on the map. So if Red team gains control of Blue teams starting spawn base, Blue team can then respawn at Red teams starting spawn base. Hope this makes sense.
Look at the guide for the using the Symmetry thing as your advantage in a map. In a nuttshell, you basically change the settings for the spawn for say, TS, change the spawn to Symmetric. Becuase the gameplay is symmetric, or assymetric you need to change it to that.
Actually, you're best bet is to use respawn areas for each of your gametypes. This is a way to tell your neutral spawn points what team's influence you want them to have. I'd recommend looking at the spawn area setup in the MLG version of the Pit in each of the individual gametypes. I can't remember what it's setup is, but I know that the default setup has one large respawn area for each team, something like this: (forgive me, I don't remember correctly which team spawns on what side) You can do something similar for all your gametypes, or like I said before, go into the MLG version of the pit and look at the specific gametype's respawn area setup. Hope that helped you out a little.
Uh oh, something doesn't work. For CTF, I have set every respawn to neutral and placed 5 starting spawns for each team. I have also placed 2 respawn areas. Each covering one half of the map. One is set to defenders, the other set to attackers. When i go into the game with another controller, i go to the other base and kill the inactive guy. He then respawns in my base, right next to the flag!! I want him to respawn outside of his base ): What am i doign wrong? I have also tested Neutral bomb and Team slayer and they work fine. My CTF is screwed up.
That's weird. I guess you'll have to use the CTF "Flag at Home/Flag Away" respawn areas to better control where your team's will respawn. It shouldn't be doing that, though.