Evolution. created by: DieHardAssassin Game Type: Final Frontier (Multi-CTF) Supports 16 Players Recommended 8-10 players Captures to win:5 Primary weapon: Spartan Laser Infinite Ammo Damage Resistance: 300% No Shields/ No Recharge Player Gravity: 50% No Sensors The point of the game is simple, get to the enemy base, and capture the flag 5 times. To get there, you need to get past the enemy. They have lasers, and you have lasers, who will win? You can jump up behind crates for cover, and use the man cannons to change direction quickly. There is a bubble shield in the middle of the map that can be deployed for cover. There is also a trip mine near each flag. When you capture a flag, you are already standing on the return point, do not run with the flag. This means, that you should defend your flag as well as possible, if you dont, it will be over fast. This map was as close as I could make it to being a real space battle. Low Gravity, pushing off walls (Man Cannons). Pictures: Main level, and Flag Spawn under Main level Good Use of a Man Cannon Triple Kill, 1 Laser Overview Download Game Type http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55251798 Download Map http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55251814
one question, how many shots does it take to kill? as for the map, its decent. just seems like its not that original and it took like an hour to make... idk, just nothing special. not bad, not good. i like the other one you just posted better.
wow that looks like a fun mini game for about 4 people... i wonder what it would be like with needlers... hmm. beside the point the map is very well made but it looks like the crates can fall down easily unless you want them too. one thing you should change though is interlock the walls then the map is a little smoother
zomg. this is THE most fun gametype mini-game i have ever had the pleasure of downloading onto my xbox. i just had a lan-party, and let me tell u, it was a hit, we stayed up till 11am playing it. just awsome. simple, but sweeeet
Glad you liked it, it is simple, but it is also fun. I kind of based it off a book I had to read in school.
I would like to make the obligatory post about how I got the "Three for One" but this is a really cool game, I like how when you play it you feel like you're in space, with laser beams, what's not to like? I also thought the flag portion of the game was weird, having to stand still and pick up the flag five times is a little easy and repetitive. I would have made it so that you pick up a bomb in assault and have to arm it for a duration of your choice and then instantly explode, but either way the result is pretty much the same. Very fun, very random. Just the way I like it!