Well, it just released today and as many other people did, I too picked this game up. I've been playing for about 3-5 minutes and already it's impressive. Although I like seeing CG cutscenes, in game cutscenes are also nice. It's also quite easy to learn the controls since they explain them to you in the beginning. Also, I just found my first weapon and it's pretty badass. As for graphics, it's simply supurb. I'm playing it in normal TV, but I could just imagine it in HD graphics. Has anyone else picked the game up? Do you like it already or are you ready to turn it back in? Note: This game is pretty creepy and really gory. I love creepy gory games.
I'm getting it too!!!!!!! It is going to be teh epic winzorz!!!11!!!1 I've seen all the game trailors for it and there's about 5 on my xbox 360 hardrive. I've been waiting for the game to come out since June. I'll just ask my dad and he'll get it for me!!! I also made a thread about Dead Space about 2 months ago too.
Dieing in Dead Space Some of the ways you can die are awesome... Especially from the one enemy. You'll know what I mean.
I hate all of you. The four games I want to get are: Fracture Fable II Gears of War 2 Dead Space Fable and Dead Space are the two games I want the most. Dead Space has amazing graphics, and I want to see how well I can handle myself against near-invincible zombies. The rest of them are too easy. So how is the game so far, anyway? Do you get a IMMAFIRINMAHLAZAR kind of gun at any point that you know of?
well i just beat chapter 1 and i have to say this is the most pleasant surprise yet. Its creepy, fun, scary, fun, shooting feels different than any other game, and its freaking scary. But why do all these good games have to come out at the same time. Dead Space-Fable-Fallout 3-Gears of War 2. how am i suppose to play them all. I do admit that i will be ignoring everyone and playing Dead Space locked in my apartment with the lights off. I recommend this game to all the Resident Evil fans, Aliens fan, and especially if you're a fan of Event Horizon. And if your bought silent hill homecoming and were disappointed trade it in for this i promise you wont be disappointed.
Dead Space has the scariest part in chapter one when that one particular elevato opens up....DEAD SPACE is the best game ever. Look at my avatar.
Yes, all of this is true. I haven't gotten past the first chapter yet, but I do agree with everything. It seems easy on normal mode (at least to me), and the second weapon you can buy is totally awesome (line gun). Might I add that every weapon has a secondary type of fire? An example is the first gun, when you aim, three dots appear in a vertical line, pressing RB allows you to make the aiming dots got horizontally. Usually pressing RB will activate your secondary fire in other guns. That's right in the beginning right? Cause yea... I didn't know what to do... Lol
Dead space looks really good and really different. I plan I getting whenever it comes up in my gameque.
the pacing is very good the entire spaceship is scary the lighting is perfect the mosters pop out of vents it like Doom 3 but more unique in every way. Weapons, Monsters, Story, & Zero-G.
That is one of my favorite movies of all time. I am actually planning on getting this later. Event Horizon is one of the reasons I'll be picking this up. It seems like they match up pretty well. Actual spoiler below of the events of the movie Event Horizon. Spoiler Although in Event Horizon the people go crazy. =)