Alright this experienced DEA officer shot himself in the leg by accident.He forgot to take out the bullet in the chamber.Even though he removed magazine. And this is an experienced person.Could happen to anybody but still. His adrenaline kept him from feeling pain. mg:
Yeah hes one tough dude to keep teaching like that.But It think he had to leave to get the bullet taken out and close up the wound.But this is a perfect example how dangerous guns can be even weilded by an experienced person.
That is dangerous, and to be totally unaware that you have a bullet. Luckily he didnt get shot in the main artery.
His muscles must have just slowed the bullet. I couldn't get shot in the leg whilst teaching and then on top of that continue my lesson. Although from the looks of it, he's probably gotten shot before. Either that or he's just one BAMF! =)
I thought the Irony was hilarious. "I'm the only one in this room experienced enough to use this gun..." BAM!