Stronghold Made By: Ififrito92 Recommended Players: 4-10 Supported Gametypes: 1 flag, and 1 bomb Items on Map: 1 sniper, 1 flamethrower, 1 sword, one set of rockets, 2 maulers, 2 SMG, 4 BR's, 4 plasmas, 1 power drain, 1 regen, and 1 bubble shield Stronghold is a one-sided objective map. The map consists of a huge base with four separate levels. The defense spawns on the bottom level and must rush to grab the power weapons. The flamethrower spawns in the second layer next to the flag, and the sniper on the top. The offense spawns near the sword, with rockets conveniently above. The gameplay is fast paced and intense because the map is relatively small. Protect the flag with your life...DOWNLOAD HERE: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details SCREENSHOTS: Enjoy! Overview of Base Defensive Spawn ( Bottom floor of base) -pallet wall Second layer of base ( Flag spawn) flamethrower spawn Offensive spawn - view of base Right side view of base - access point Sorry there aren't many screenshots...DOWNLOAD HERE! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Another giant stronghold map... +50 points for it not being Infection, though. CTF is a ncie change of pace. The map, in and of itself, looks pretty neat. I'm not a fan of crazy weapons like the Flamethrower in competitive games like CTF, personally. I'm sure most hardcore players would agree. One welcome change in this map from the usual "rush a giant fort" maps is that the defenders don't start with a whopping armory full of death, they have to grab weapons just like everyone else. However... it's still a giant fort map. These are old, generally unoriginal, and this site and others are stuffed with them. They're not new or amazing anymore. This one looks to be a pretty well made on, that much is sure. However, the concept is old and unimaginative, and the gameplay will be likewise stale. It's good that you made efforts to spice up this old formula, but it really isn't too doable. Good Forging though. 3/5
I like the fact that you didn't make this an assault gametype (Although that might have been better.) But CTF is different. I'm definately not a fan of the Flamethrower, especially with it so close to the flag. If you plan to change that, I recommend replacing it with a mauler, or even a needler if you make a V2. I also like that you weren't lazy like most people in making a fortress map, but you made it really cleanly merged and such. 3/5 for effort.
Have you tested this map Flipstik??? Nice, but i bet you haven't even tested this map you just write from the pics--take it from me this guy doesen't test anything before posting a criticism. I think this map works-- its easy to get arround --has many levels that you can go up or down -- doesen't need much interlocking--has monumental volumetry --but some spawns and some weapons can be rethinked-- but for the 2 games i've played here i give it a 4/5.