The Debate Forum... Useful place for discussion or waste bucket for spam posts and hallow, meaning less posts? This debate, for one, I find is my way of saying things, through hypocrisy, in mocking the format by copying it, with its flaws visible. However, I'd also like this to be a debate. And there are TWO, that's right, TWO topics for this debate, not just one. Topic One: Cleaning the Junk Okay. No one can deny that only 1 out of every 4 or 5 is actually useful. I mean just click out of this debate for one second and go through the list. You have your stupid questions (example: Chevy vs. Ford; Saying swear words same as swearing?). And then there's the joke threads (example: Tacos vs Burritos; The Most Retarded ForgeHub User), some are never locked and others are locked, but still just cluster the Forum, and the creators are not punished. So who is keeping anyone from making lots of joke forums? The only good debates (religion, various ones about video games and violence, drugs, and only a select few more) are all posted 100s and 100s of times over. Even on the front page there's about 6 religion debates. It's all the same concept. And also, seriously some of these sound like crappy middle school science fair projects (example: Does Music Affect your mood). The focus should either be on Halo (which may I remind you was what this site was created for) or something very important. At this point, debates like "Covenant Weapons vs UNSC Weapons" would be better than crap like "Is god the devil?" And, unfortunately it doesn't stop at stupid debates. Members jump to the debate forums, not for valid discussion, but so they can plant their spam where it'll be nestled deep in crappily put together arguments and ridiculously terrible rebuttals. And seriously most posts that are actually about the debate are things like "OBAMA RULES" in the election threads or repeating the same points over and over again or just simply a terribly put together argument with faulty logic. So what's you're opinion on: Strictness on flitering of debates Punishments for violators Bigger spam infraction in debate forum? In my opinion, all stupid debates should be deleted, and the creator infracted with a 2-3 point infraction. Spam should probably recieve a greater penalty. Topic Two: Debate Forum... Necessary? The second question of this debate asks if this forum is only necessary. Here's the facts: Whether it's predicted or not, debates happen EVERYWHERE Debate forum has 10 pages of potentially useless discussion Most debates are worthless anyways So basically, the debate forum is useless clutter. These same debates can happen elsewhere, and most the debates aren't worth it. Worthless debates that don't need to happen and wouldn't unless there was this forum dedicated to them happen. Basically, the only reason it's here is because it is here. So if it's gone, it'll be gone, and nothing else. Also, I think we should shift the focus of this site back to the things it was created for. Those being Halo 3, specifically Halo 3 Forge. The debate forums are one of the things that are drawing the attention away from Forge. With the crackdown on maps, no one wants to take the time to write a good map review. So why not spam the General Chat and Debate forums. So basically my opinion is that if not just simply scrubbed clean, the debate forums should be removed. Most discussion of this sort happens in General Chat topics, and also removing this would shift attention. NOW YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU discuss and debate. This thread WILL be scrutinized for spam. So take time in your posts, please, for the convenience of everyone who actually enjoys these debates. Thank you.
Most definitely not. We can't really debate this, but certain members based on their first few posts should have their ability to post in said forum taken away. Some of these debates are legitimate debates but it's inescapable that we have certain people who abuse this privilege. Personally, I personally attack members who abuse it, but I think there are member here who will vouch for me when I say I heavily contribute to certain debates (Marijuana V2, Cloning, Corporal Punishment).
I really like the Debate forum. From a standpoint of me, I'd prefer if it stayed. But since it does create space on the site, perhaps it should be removed. And yes some people's input is, sorry I'd have to say this about a human being but, worthless. And others put time and effort into their posts. And still others make it into a joke.
All I can say is why don't you grow a pair and quit whining about why you think everything in the debate forum is retarded. If you don't like it then either don't participate or find a different medium in which to debate. Your argument about the debate forum being pointless clutter is stupid because 99.9% of what is found on the internet is useless clutter. The internet is famous for porn and stuff like lolcats. Do you seriously expect to get a perfectly educated and profound discussion of ANYTHING on the internet? Other then connecting the world together through watching viral videos of dramatic chipmunks, it has not exactly proven to be a great machine of fulfillment. In addition, use the general chat to post map reviews? It's a nice idea but only one that could be accomplished by the premiums and hardcore members of forgehub. Organization to get everyone to conform to a specific set of rules on any internet forum has failed time after time. Your idea of an internet utopia will never exist so chill out and just let us debate. If you really wanted the debate forum to not be filled with clutter and nonsense, you would have never posted this thread.
I agree its useless clutter. But does that mean we should add on to it? that's like saying "well people are going to loose money anyways, so why not rob a bank." adding to the problem really isn't any sort of solution, whether a solution is possible or not. I never said that. To be honest, I didn't want to. But I think when you have something you think needs to be said, why not just say it. I expected criticism and pussism like the likes of you. All I'm saying is that each individual can see the spam and clutter and say, "it's here, why not add on to it" or say, "i'm not going to do that." So did you read the post? or did you just skim the first few lines, make assumptions, and then rant about it?