Creek Beddiscription- An old creek used by early spartans to hone their skills--made by corey0x0 and xsv nick--enjoy This map is great for 1v1-6v6. You can play with a full party if you want way more action! On this map u can play MLG Capture the Flag (team recomended) King of the Hill (team recomended) Slayer Team Slayer Odd ball (team or not) you can play all the basic gametypes of the ones list that bungie made in your gametypes. I gave the choise of having rockets on this map. If u want rockets shoot the fusion coils here are pics to show how here are some pics of map Here are some action shots (sorry no capture the flag or oddball pics) Please rate, comment and download download creek bed here thankyou and happy forging!
Not a bad looking map at all. The design is intriguing; I like the narrow underground passageways a lot. They make me happy XD As per always,I am a fan of powerups designating bases. Colorful shiny things are always a welcome addition to mas... in fact, I made a whole map based around them! Yay shiny things! Now on to the downside... the map looks poorly aligned. In nearly every picture, the aesthetics are marred by poor alignment. Sharp corners and awkward overlaps protrude nearly everywhere. If you took the added time necessary to make sure that everything was completely straight, your map would look a lot better. In addition, I like switched. They're entertaining. However, your rocket switch is mediocre. It does not serve to add anything cool-looking to the map, nor does it introduce the weapon in a spectacular way. It simply knocks the rocket launcher down, from where you can already see it, with a mechanism you can see. All in all, not a terrible map. However, also not an amazing map. Take a little mroe time to straighten things out and I'm sure this could reach its full potential. A V2 perhaps? 3.5/5
nice interlocking, very visualy appearing. however, this map seems like the same run of the the mill map without any cool concepts built into it. but knowing my intuition, this map is probably the shiznit; ill have to dl and check it out.