Good-ish. The cut-out of GOW dude is good, but Master cheif, Samus, and Brute Captian both have white lines around them... and the one in your sig is stretched oddly...
This was the first time I rendered everything but yeah I know what you mean. Thanks for the feedback comment.
I did use like over 10 layers, the Samus one was actually pre rendered. I do not know what the magic wand is =/ And yes the Characters are stretchy because that is the siggy version =)
Right, crop which parts of the image you want to be under 500 X 200 px... then It will be easier to see the real pic. It would still look fine...
I better method taught in most college level classes for computer art is to manually trace with the pen tool. The magic wand tool is messy.
Yes, the pen tool is what most experienced users recamend. I however, have not taken a class and do not know how to use the tool and create horrible renders. I usually just get them from planet renders anyway.