Download Constrictor v1 Download Constrictor v2 (MM edition) Gametypes: 6-12 players in: FFA Team Slayer Multi-Flag (Recommended) Assault Territories King of the Hill (Recommended) Weapons: All weapons are mirrored to the other side in a symmetrical manner, except the Laser which is in the center. Assault Rifles Battle Rifles SMG's Spikers Plasma Rifles Covey Carbines Sniper Rifles (120 second respawn) Shotgun Rocket Launchers (180 second respawn) Bruteshot Spartan Laser (Hidden) (180 second respawn) Machinegun Turret (120 second respawn) Frags Plasmas Equipment Active Camo (90 second respawn) Bubble shield Trip Mine (60 second respawn) Regenerator Power Drain (60 second respawn) Radar Jammer (180 seconds) Description: A short while ago I created a map named Conflict. I wasn't exactly happy with it and I really wanted to make a version 2. A little while in to my forge session everything changed. New ideas flowed through me and I ended up changing it so much that I had to rename the map and repost it. Yes, it is that different. Constrictor is a unique symmetrical urbanish vehicle based map created on Foundry. The unique aspect I speak of is the similar, yet different bases. Each base has the same flag and bomb spawn area, but that is where the similarities end. One side is a little more constricting with smaller areas and slightly more cover, and the other base is a little more open with better lines of site and a little more firepower. Also, for those interested, this map is about 95% Interlocked and Merged into the ground, providing smooth running and none of that pesky "get your grenade stuck under a box" stuff. The coup de grace of the map is the implementation of the vehicle. These vehicles provide added explosiveness and a great deal of hectic action to each and every match. Both sides receive a Warthog and 2 mongooses. I have added a small touch of Rocket Race to the map by providing both sides with a Rocket Launcher. Other notable features and aesthetics on the map are the sniper balconies, the "Tetris Piece" pillar, my patented equipment jumbler, the shield door flag spawns, and the "invisi-door" that turns you invisible when you pass through it. There are some other quirks to the map but you will figure that out once you play, and I urge you to play. I appreciate all kinds of reviews but I strongly urge you to do at least a Forge-Through before posting. Pics:
Wow the interlocking and geomerging on this map looks outstanding. The gammeplay looks like itd be smooth, and the map itself looks original. I like seeing a foundary map without vehicles (not counting race maps). Awesome map! 5/5
Wow, Looks fun, I love the geomerging/ interlocking... you spent time on this map, i might DL but i have to ask where are the weapons located? IT LOOKS LIKE GRIDLOCKED! you lazy bastard!
The invisidoor is a hung large shield door (hung so you can bounce grenades under it) with an active camo locked into the center of it. When you pass through the door you become invisible :0) Haha! Actually, Gridlocked was an inspiration gameplay wise for this map. The design and construction are very different however. Vicious Vice called it Gridlocked 2.0 if I remember correctly.
Great design. has somewhat of a Gridlock style. The multi level design is a very favorable feature when I critique maps. Interlocking is phenomenal and geomerging is equally great. One thing though is I'm not a fan of "hidden" weapons so I'll have to dl and see what you mean by that. All in all 4.7/5
I remember testing this map I dont know who with The really original idea i saw in this map was the flags I love how they are in the tubes or whatever. Glad this came out, also the warthogs were a great feature to the map Good Job
Normally I hate maps with vehicles, but the gameplay in this map looks like it flows pretty well. I'm not sure what it is, but this map just seems to have a sparkle about it. This also gives me some ideas for the map I'm working on (don't worry, I won't steal any of your ideas). From the pictures, 4.7/5.0 I'm pretty excited to play on this one!
nice job, you were really able to make a map that had an open feel, but lend to some close quarter fights. i especially like the shield door box around the flag, it purty much makes you invincible when you grab it which adds some exitement to the game. i give it a 4.7/5
uhh...most foundry maps dont include vehicles -.-"...FAIL the map looks great Creeping death. The interlocking is very clean and you have an exceptional design and layout to the map. Ill have to go play this first but the Multi Flag seems fairly nice from the pictures. One thing to improve on the map though would probably have to be the uneven distribution whickh could really make or break the map. Ill check it our then elaborate on the post.
wow excellent map. It's without a surprise that you are one of this best forgers on this site (no offense to others). This map looks symmetrical (am I right?) but the pictures to me make it look like an asymmetrical sort of map. I like when the pictures can throw you off like that. I just know that multiflag and assault will be awesome in this map. Is this the map that Vicious Vice said that the surprise map would be in his TGIF? Oh well, guess we'll have to find out ourselves
The 4th pic down is the invisidoor. Someone already passed through it, but imagine an active camo locked perfectly and floating in the middle of the door. And like I said, it's hung so you can still use it as cover, but also you can bounce grenades under it. I'll get a better pic and post it, give me a few minutes :0) Edit: Ok, invisidoor pic is the second from last pic in the main post. Yeah that aspect can be epic. There were a few good battle just trying to get the guy out of the tube. Add in the fact that I have teams respawn mostly back in their own base and it can be a real fun struggle trying to get out of there. It is somewhat unconventional, but I feel it's nessesary for some epic battles rather than quick flag scores. Uneven distribution? Of the weapons? If that is what you are referring to then I must mention that the weapon set is x2 from what I listed. Each side gets their own Rocket Launcher and Sniper (set to slow spawns of course) and all of the equipment is in the middle alley and hallways with the exception of the power drain which blue side gets a quicker route to, and the trip mine that Red gets a quicker route to. If it's the design you are speaking of, It's almost perfectly symmetrical size wise, there is just aesthetic differences that make both sides unique. No team has a quicker route to the middle than the other. Thank you and yes it is symmetrical. It's set up spefically for symmetric games. There is no 1 bomb or anything like that set up. No oddball either. And yes, this is the map Vice is talking about :0)
Um, no. I'll assume you're kidding with him, but when you download it and do a forgethrough (which you better have done) it actually doesn't resemble Gridlocked in the slightest. I remember the original version of this, but Constrictor (stuck with the name, huh?) is a vast improvement. I really like how it's open enough to make it a solid vehicular game, but at the same time allowing for some solid structures to have some great encounters on foot. Can't wait to play this with you, Creep. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some free Halo time.
what i meant for uneven distribution i meant the higher grorund. Teams that have control of higher ground have a large advantage over the other team especially if they have BR's am I right?
As always, thanks for the input Squid :0) Yeah I stuck with the name basically because I could not for the life of me come up with anything better. I'm really glad you like it and while my time for Halo is limited this weekend if I see you on we should get a customs party goin and we can try it out. Yes you are right. But this map doesn't really offer any significant high ground to one team and not the other. It's pretty well balanced for a 2 sided map with such different bases. Ok, so a crisis has been averted. Version 1 of this map was breakable. I hated that you could break it but I decided to leave it the way it was because some liked being able to get on the roof and rain down sniper fire and splazer explosions. But the more and more I thought about it and the more input I got from people it became very appearant I had to fix it. So low and behold, here it is. I'll run down the list of things that I fixed or changed and shouldn't take so long. That's the reason this is version 1.1 rather than v2. First was the B sign that allowed you to jump over onto the roof and other areas. This was the major problem since it not only allowed that access, but it specifically catered to the B side base. I shifted the sign up a whole box length to eliminate this and luckily save the aesthetic appeal. Second, you could make the jump from the slanted end of the sniper balcony to the roof facing the base side. I added a dumpster to prevent this. Problem solved :0) Other small tweaks were to elongate the respawn times on the Rockets, Laser, and the Radar Jammer. And finally, I interlocked the flag spawn point into the platform boxes to enable smooth movement inside of the shield door protection zone and slid the large shield doors on the ledges out for more protection room. And that's it, now she is perfect!! And I really want people to try and break this map because I think it's impossible, so good luck.
Another map by Creep1ng De4th that was posted a few days ago that I just found on the second page.. That just isn't right. Anyways, I like the fact that you opened up the back "alleyway" up, It adds way more to the map. I'm also a big fan of the Sniper perches you added to both sides.. The map went from being solid with the enclosed back alleyway to being ****ing epic with it opened up, Allowing more mobility with vehicles (which normally don't really work well in foundry maps) The Rocket Race feel to it is a nice touch, except it just reminds me that Rocket Race is no longer in MM.. So that saddens me, But all in all you made a pretty epic map which really isn't all that surprising seeing that you do this sort of stuff all the time. It was also a good idea to block off the roof area from everyone, to not give one team an advantage over another, it would ultimately just lead to problems. P.S. this isn't really related to the map, But that purple and orange look just isn't very sexy.. Sorry.. Had to tell you that.
Thanks man, as you said, lots of improvements were made :0) Glad you like it! And yes, the orange/purple is ugly, but it will be changing soon.
After a few games here, this map has really grown on me.. a lot. Every game is super competitive, and usually comes right down to the wire. The design, an asymmetric layout with a symmetrical heart, holds balance very well while still increasing the maps longevity. The 2 unique, but roughly equal, halves keep the games exciting and keep me longing for more. Naturally, I absolutely love the tiny bit of RR influence as well I firmly believe this is your best forge yet Creep, great work man.
Thanks bud. I always look forward to your comments simply because we have known each other since the beginning of our Forgehub days and we have shown and asked each others opinions on pretty much all of our maps. I'm really glad you like it and I'm looking forward to that super secret project you want to include me on. That's if we have enough time with Far Cry coming out. And BTW, I hate you for already having a Far Cry sig :0P I know, some people may be turned off by that, but it is a huge component in the gameplay of this map, as is the Radar Jammer. Thanks, but now that you dl'd, got anything else to say? Maybe a few opinions? Or some constructive criticism? I'll be waiting......patiently.....
I played this a ton with sdrakulich and Vorpal Saint over the last few days, and the gameplay is awesome. It really reminds me of Gridlocked. Here's a review: What I liked: -The layout of the map reminds me of Gridlocked -Lots of power weapons, but you really made the map balanced -How the map was symetrical, but with a few changes on different sides -The equipment box that looked cool when you drove by it. What I didn't like: -In CTF, the shield doors around the flag spawn caused major camping with the shotty -It was too easy to defend one of the bases from vehicles, and the other was easy to defend it seemed Out of 10 for each section below: Layout: 8.7/10 I enjoyed driving warthogs around the corners and surprising enemies! I like how you also included an inside area for foot-soldier attacks. Gameplay: 8.8/10 The gameplay was very fun, and there were many different routes to take. This positively affected the gameplay because when playing CTF, you could always surprise your enemies. Overall: 8.8/10 You made a beastly map my friend. Gridlocked mixed with a vehicle map is awesome. I loved playing over and over again, but my party thought that the shield doors should be tweaked, not removed, by maybe the back one removed or something. Great job, looking forward to your next map.
Greetings. I played some customs about about a week or so ago and this is the map we were playing on. A game of Multi Flag to be exact. I was like "whoa.. What map is this??" it caught my attention within the first few seconds of the game. I saved it to my hard drive straight after, I didn't even stop to check who had made it. I guess now I know :] (I have Downloaded it again from your file share to ensure I get the final version.) Now lemme tell ya. I really am fond of this creation. You have done a brilliant job. Although the games I played on it were a bit laggy, I had a really great time. The gameplay works out very nicely. The vehicles are excellent and I really understand what you mean by the vehicles spicing it up a bit ;] they were alot of fun. Adding a bit of chaos factor to switch up the gameplay from the norm. I like that. I got a few splatters, twas fun. And the mongeese provide a fantastic means of transport between the bases. I was the driver on an epic flag run, I showed up at the enemy base on the goose, grenades and exosions everywhere, bullets and bodies flying. A team mate emerges from the chaos carrying the flag and jumps on the back. We are gunning it home, nearly at our base. Just passing the sniper tower when BOOM, a wandering player from the other team nails us out of nowhere with the rocket launcher. The thing is, it wasn't his rocket that killed us. We flew into the wall with such force that the mongoose exploded and both me and my fellow team mate were obliterated. It made my day Even though they managed to recover their flag and we lost, it was indeed an extremely fun game. I love getting the sniper and either take out enemies in the hallway along the back wall, or taking it back to base to cover the main entrance. Those rocket launchers come in handy alot. A couple times just as I picked the rocket launcher up. An enemy hog attack decides to show up. Bang, problem solved. The shield door with the Active Camoflauge was a little feature I thought was rather nifty. Same goes with the flag capsules. I was tempted to camp in said capsules with the shotgun, protecting the flag. But I just couldn't resist the fun the map has to offer that I was missing out on. This map contains sufficient epicness to stay on my Hard Drive for atleast a decade. You have done a very good job. FANTASTIC even. Snazzy Superb Excellent Super Orgasmic If this map was a person I would have sex with it. Fabulous Stupendous Aye-Okay Winwinwin. You Sir, turn my software to hardware. o/