I was thinking about Halo 3: Recon when I realized your an ODST with no MJOLNIR armor or physical augments. So will Bungie be adding a melee feature in H3R because without super strength your punches and whacks will be virtually useless. Any thoughts on this.
ODST are too badass not to have melee. If you didn't notice, the UNSC Marines use melee on some enemies. If you're in the army, you know how to kick the crap out of anything. I'm wondering about how the health system is going to work... No shields = Quick death.
I'm sure they'll still put it in even if they dont have proper perm's and aug's just for the sake of keeping the gameplay the same. but ODST's are kick-ass so they can do it anyways
Maybe it'll play something like gears. You keep getting shot and your screen turns red instead of having shields. I mean, they didn't have much more advanced armor than halo soldiers and it wasn't noticeably unrealistic.
There's three options: 1. Normal Halo 3 Beatdown 2. Two hit Beatdown 3. Combat Knife (One hit kill) As for the health system, I would assume it'd be somewhat like Gears of War. When you get hit you lose health which either regenerates slowly and/or you have to use a medkit equipment to health yourself.
That would be more likely considering that Recon's campaign is supposed to be centered around stealth, it would give you a reason to not run and gun like Master Chief. Just to clear this up for anyone who's confused we are talking about the campaign. All multiplayer maps that cone with Recon will be played the same as normal.
i think there will be a melee and a combat knife and i think the health system won't be where your health regenerates. sure master chief does because the armor puts biofoam or something like that to stop the bleeding. i think you should have to have med kits and other healing items because ODST's don't have the MJOLNIR VI armor.
I think they aren't going to take melee away from the game because it is an essential part of it. Although as nooby as you may think it is, (I do think its newby) It is what it is, and thats what makes Halo unlike any other shooter out there....
It would be cool if the melee was like in the Halo 2 preview, where it was a combo. Also for the health I am sure it will still regenerate. The suits will have biofoam or something.
i would say the health system would be like turok or cod4 and beat down seam pretty important in a pinch
Im thinking yes a melee, but more like a Halo CE melee. Meaning that it will do alot less damage towards the opponent. But then again, a knife would be pretty sweet also. Althogh I havent seen an ODST use a knife before, so that seems relatively unlikely. As for the shield system, maybe like CoD.
i agree with the GoW theory. even so, most fps games give the player at least some sort of "shield", even if it isn't as resistant or regenerative as the Mjollnir armor. Let's face it, a one-hit-one-kill game would get really old, really quick, and nobody would play for long.
Have any of you played Slaso..I can image halo recon like that..so that is what I would prepare for..its tested and works...
Halo 3 Recon's multiplayer will be Halo 3's multiplayer for the most part. Only in Campaign will you play as an ODST. In other words, if you are playing H3 Recon, and your friend is playing H3, you could still play in MM together without changing games. Hope that clears things up.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was turned down a bit, but they are not getting rid of melee. If it is still strong enough to knock out grunts it'll work.