hey guys this is the teaser for my new map, i know that you all will enjoy! Middle Example of Aesthetics be on the lookout for this awesomesauce map! feedback please!
Looks pretty cool. but it looks like it needs to be taller, or have a room in the first picture, Something so it doesn't look so open.
we do have a teaser map thread for this stuff you know....hope you post it on FS too go through the doorway at the back of the first pic, it looks sexy back there!!! lol...hope to see it done soon!
thanks for the feedback guys, and sdrakulich, are you warned permanently? and i know there is a map teaser thread but i wanted feedback
i think for the right plasma rifle you should turn the weapon holder 180 degrees so that the plasma rifles are symmetrical and then aesthetics will look uber awesome
yes! and for the walls that our interlocked half way into the double boxes(not the ramp walls) i think you should replace those with upside down bridges to increase aesthetics even more! and the ramp walls seem a little uneven, but that's fine, unless you want to make the aesthetics crazy to the max!
The middle is interesting, and I've always like arena type maps. PM me when your done with the map I'll most likely forget to look.
Looks cool, but make the open room either taller or closed, so theres no escapping. also i like the stairs as fence walls but i thought of it first!
i am getting deathtoll77, the leader of the map breakers guild, to make my map unbreakable thats why it is only 1 box high because he hasnt done it yet and randomly signed off a minute ago when he said eh was going to do it...
i don't know, the map breakers guild, in my opinion don't have the best map breakers in the community of forgehub
i know but i thought if i got them to make it unbreakable then it will be done better than i would do and also they wouldnt be replying to the thread when i post it saying its broke
Looks cool, I really like the declining doubles. I am in love with you sexy plasma rifle spawns. Can't wait to see it.