Cosmic Rick - For Making Kickass Maps With Great and unusual Aesthetics with even better gameplay Linubidix - my favorite non premium Forger With some cool designs Time Glitch - For Making Epic infection maps such as the storm
BlazeisGod Thesilencebroken Matty They all have forging gifts and plus they make stuff I would never think of and if I did I still couldnt forge it
Matty Draw the Line Cosmic Rick Great, Great forgers with very clean maps and great design execution. I really hope to see more maps from them.
Buddhacrane-for snapping the rules of forge in half distortion anyone? Timeglitch-for his make your own chocies infection maps truedarkfusion-although he hasn't made any maps lately hobo heights well live forever in my heart
TrueDarkFusion, AZN FTW and Asper49 because of their crazy fun Minigames, back when the default maps were actually forged with some sexy creations. Back in my day, we didn't have no interlockin or geo mergin! We had to make crates imoveable with teleporters and drop pods, and they actually made some well known maps that were fun then and still fun now, like Hobo Heights, The Cellars and much more...
BlazeIsGod - recently there have been alot of awesome maps from him, I always look forward to them. thsilencebroken - Makes delicious maps, always have a good layout and always have perfect Interlocking. Draw The Line - awesome stly of Forge, many great aesthetics and they always have a good gameplay.
I'm just pointing out that he hadn't joined when all he was talking about was happening, it was way before his (and even my) time.
It was possible he guested..but still I don't think I guested until after heroic came out. So crates were at least replaced by Db's..even if there was no interlocking yet.
Two of mine have to be DtL and TDHarding. They're one of the most precise forgers, but few make maps that are more fun to play. Sadly, many great, precise forgers, don't take gameplay first. They clearly do.
Eh, I'm confused. I haven't checked if Speed e Cake(sp?) has played Halo 3 since September of last year, but if he has, couldn't he have downloaded maps made by them? He could have then later learned some background information on their origins. Join dates on fan base site just don't seem to reflect much of anything about the possibility of him playing their maps. They were probably also popular on For me, I like some of TrueDarkFusion's maps, and pretty much anything that DrawtheLine makes. I also like Hollowman (I know I didn't spell it right) for discovering the infinite budget glitch.
I know that he could've played the maps, he just referred to them as "back in his day" which is not true.
Buddha Crane: His maze maps are insane and his regular maps such as Distortion are mind bending. Also he has a great forging mind. _____________________________________________________________________ Draw the Line: His maps are good in every way. When I was the Forge Instructor for the Halo 3 Academy I used End of the Line for so many examples. I use him himself as examples. Slash is like the greatest Guitar player. He is the Slash of Forge. _____________________________________________________________________ iTs NeXn: He has done everything most Forgers have hoped to accomplish and more. I cannot make MLG maps just because I am not that not good at Symetrical designs. Out of all of the people who are great at MLG maps my favorite is him. I could keep going because I like many Forgers but I will leave it at them.
Since the start of ForgeHub I've been a guest member since I saw no reason to join until I finally had a map worth posting I just got my friends to download the maps so we could try them when I mooched off of them since I had no XBox at the time but still a big Halo fan. Sorry for that little stupidity on my part, I should have been more specific I got my XBox for Christmas '07 but I mooched off my friend redshadow1337 since Christmas '06, you could ask him for a confirmation if you desire.
although forgehub is home to many extremely talented forgers, I think one that should remain constant on everyone list is definitely Cosmic Rick. Every map he designs is completely original, and most importantly innovative. No one out there can say they've looked at a Cosmic Rick map, and were'nt inspired to go and forge something.