So I just saw the trailer. Pritty cool, eh? It doesn't really show off any gameplay so thats not good. Release date november 08, can't wait! What do you guys think? ps: I also made a siggy lol
I enjoyed the Story Mode of the game, it indeed had a great storyline but it was too short. I definately hope that this one has a longer Story mode and that we do learn more of it.
Who the hell cares about the story in GoW lol... the whole point of the game was to showcase awesome graphics and chop dudes in half with a chainsaw gun, it was brutal uber gore combat, and thats it. I will probably give this a rental. When the first game came out there wasnt much like it on the 360 at the time, but now, there is tons of awesome games coming out that i would rather play besides this.
There is a free theme and a few gamerpics too. They look pretty sweet in my opinion. I'm using both right now.
Yeah I have the theme on my xbox too. It was funny, I was browsing through the marketplace when I saw gears of war 2 and I said "wtf". Then "awesome!" lol
I can has chainsaw chainlink? Cuz in the trailer Marcus was fighting a Locust. At first they were both trying to chainsaw eachother but their chainsaws kept seeming to chainlink.
I used to be so great at that game but then I began to suck at it after I stopped playing for a while. I'm not sure if I'll buy the second. If it's the same game continuing the story, I probably will not. Unless they add something really cool to the second, I'll save my money.
Holy crap! Look at the water effects! Crazy! I'll probabally rent this, but not buy it. I'll play it if my brother gets it, though...
gow was my favorite game until it broke twice and i did not want to buy another but im going to get gow2 dispite the number of time gow broke
Great. To see the rest of my post, highlight everything. WARNING! SPOILERS! SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! More sweaty, buff men that have outrageously huge armor that's twice as big as MC. And a great weapon selection too! I can have a grenade, and a chainsaw gun, and a laser satellite. And I love how muscular Marcus is; he's sooooo ripped! I mean, the game's so detailed, I can see the sweat dripping right off of him! And then I'll see the puddle of sweat below me, and I'll forget about playing the game, because you know, I don't give a damn if the game plays like a cheap version of R6. And the storyline's so intense. You start off in a jail cell that everyone has evacuated except for you. Then you go to your dead dad's house and steal some beer. Then the grey, generic and stereotypical aliens decide to hold you a surprise birthday party, but you light a bunch of Nuc-u-le-ar weapons of mass destruction by accident and kill a bunch of people. And the you're about to fall of a train, but that douche guy decides to help you at the last second as you're dangling and about to die. Actually, it was a good game in co-op, but so much of it was terrible that it contaminated to the rest of the disc. For one, the Multiplayer.
Oh yeah, I hope so. I think that chainsaw fight in the trailer will proberly be a part of the game, like mini duels, or something
yeah like you have to hit a repeatedy to break and win it or something like that and theres way more animations instead of just one which got a little boring after a while!