The Pipes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gigith, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    A competitive map made for games of 2-6 players.
    The Map is/has:
    • Three stories tall and made on the FUMGCC canvas.
    • Full of high-quality interlocked items.
    • items fused into map geometry, including a wall fused into the side of Foundry.
    • Rarely used equipment along with well-balanced weapons which adds to the fun, excitement and strategy of play, while still keeping it fair.
    The Pipes


    Don't forget to post and tell me what you think
    Download Map
    Download MLG Map


    This isn't some thrown-together map, it took 5 days to create. Each room and area feels unique, with different color schemes and item placements. Foundrys naturally ugly, but that doesn't mean maps on it have to be.


    Oh yes, there's hidden areas in this map. The pipes lead to one of two hallways, with a weapon or equipment spawn, which leads to one of two pipes coming out of the top of the normal area of the map, hence the name "The Pipes". There's another hidden area that the pipes can lead you to...but you'll have to figure that out for yourself.


    The maps are built to work well with all gametypes (2 teams max). With well-placed spawn points & spawn areas for team-based games you shouldn't see spawn killing.



    This Map Contains:

    • Assault Rifle
    • Battle Rifle
    • Brute Shot
    • Carbine
    • Flamethrower
    • Magnum
    • Mauler
    • Plasma Pistol
    • Plasma Rifle
    • SMG
    • Spiker

    • Active Camo
    • Deployable Cover
    • Firebomb Grenade
    • Frag Grenade (3)
    • Plasma Grenade (2)
    • Spike Grenade
    • Trip Mine (2)
    MLG Weapons:
    • Battle Rifle (3)
    • Carbine
    • Energy Sword
    • Magnum
    • Mauler (2)
    • Plasma Pistol

    MLG Equipment:
    • Active Camo
    • Deployable Cover
    • Frag Grenade (4)
    • Plasma Grenade (2)
    • Trip Mine (2)

    • The MLG version is as true to MLG as I could make it, while still keeping the unique gameplay the map offers. There are some weapons and equipment which are not normally found in MLG, but don't really go against the grain of MLG games. These items include: deployable cover, the trip mine, pistol and sword. However, the sword is hard to obtain and using it can be difficult with the cover in areas such as The Workshop and The Maze. Couple that with plasma grenades and the sword isn't too overpowering.
    • If you desire to get back into the map after some how getting out, use the teleporter found in the middle of Foundry.
    • This map was in the video and screenshots in my guide to fusing walls into map geometry.
    • I'm unable to spawn new items due to the unlimited money glitch. However if you want me to edit spawn points I will gladly do so.
    • More so than my previous maps, this one was quite labor-intensive. On the subject of future Versions, we'll see... Honestly, I think I've done the best I can do.
    If I come off as obnoxious or grandiose I am sorry. I'm just trying to make a good thread to go with my map.​
  2. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I wish you had some backed out screenshots of what this map actually is. It looks nice from what I see, but I don't see much. I'm going to have a DL and check this one out.
  3. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    curious to why you called it the pipes, map looks good though...
  4. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    Gah, sorry man. I would but my 360 won't read disks anymore, as of the night I finished the map (Guess it killed my 360).
    If you could make a pic for me I'd love that, but I can't go and take one. The maps around 3 double boxes long and 2 and a half boxes wide. It's rather small so I'd have to take out alot of walls to take a screenshot.

    First of all I'd like to make it very clear that I did not rip off the name of the map The Pipe, just ask the maker of The Pipe, he'll tell you.

    It's named The Pipes because there are pipes of sorts you go though in the hidden area.

    I'd love to hear what you two think of my map after you've tried it out.
  5. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Great map gigith. I like the idea of the hidden pipes and im the regular version (non-mlg) the box were the invisibility spawns does not spawn at start
  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Absolutely brilliant. This is great work, this is an example of the standard of quality all maps on should meet. I am downloading. - Brute Captain
  7. Starbird14

    Starbird14 Ancient
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    the picture with the room made of fence walls looks cool, I'll try to checkout this maps later. looks like you put some time into it.
  8. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    And now I know why your screenshots made it look so cramped. I felt pretty claustrophobic in this map until I figured out my way around. Once I did, though, I loved it. It's very well put together, and I love the layout. The secret passage to the camo is great. I feel like the weapon placement is a little sparse. I think there NEEDS to be a shotgun somewhere, even if it only has 6 shots in it. Also, you might consider adding a teleporter somewhere on the bottom side of the map that leads to the sender nodes up top. I was excited for something kind of like Chill Out when I saw those. I'm not sure how much playtesting you've done, and I haven't had a chance to check this out in an actual game yet, but I'm keeping it until I can. (Something about your box being broken, I think... that sucks... get it fixed and tweak this a bit and you'll have an excellent map on your hands.)
  9. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    Wait, "consider adding a teleporter somewhere on the bottom side of the map that leads to the sender nodes up top" Hmm, put your PM to me and this post it seems as if you didn't find the hidden area, not the stupid camo area, that's not even really hidden.

    Alright, go up to where the dumpster is, near the Magnum and Plasma Pistol spawn. Jump over the Dumpster. Cool huh?

    Anyway, I'm an MLG person, I hate overpowerd weapons, not because I get pwnt by people using them but because I think everyone should have a good chance to fight, no matter what weapon they have.

    I'm not going to force MLG down peoples throats, but just the same I wanted to keep my map balanced, so that's what I did.

    There is no shotgun because I feel that would be far overpowerd in a map this small, however I put in a sword because there are good counters to it all though out the map.

    Another reason for keeping out some weapons was to mix it up. Live a little, use some dual wield weapons.
    I thought long and hard about the weapons I put in here, and after 4+ playtests I came up with the weapons I have in it now. I wouldn't change a thing.

    I hope you like my map.
    *sigh* However my map doesn't seem to be doing so well, I donno what I did wrong, it's just not getting alot of downloads. My competitor "The Pipe" which was made after I made The Pipes is pwning my map. Most people don't even know why my maps called The Pipes, because they never found the hidden area.
  10. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    This map... I lurvz it.
    yoiu got my DL
  11. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    Yeah, I could of made the map alot faster if I didn't keep nit picking the look of it. The reason I put the fences on the floor was because I just found it looked ugly without them, I really like how it looks with them. If only I could have put fence walls on the sides also, but I just didn't have enough.
  12. Colonel Chewy

    Colonel Chewy Ancient
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    Weapons Control
    Weapons control is what makes a casual game of Halo fun. If you are planning on just chillin' out and playing a couple games of Halo in your spare time then the MLG settings would be boring. People want weapons control, ("I got RoCKS!!!")("I got ShoTTY!!!"). This is what seperates Halo from games like Call of Duty 4 and Counter-Strike. Not adding power weapons is like stealing the shoes of an orphan. It's frowned upon and not what Halo was meant to be. Other than that, this is a nice small map, looks really fun for Infection!
  13. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    It doesn't need a shotgun, it has the mauler, the sword and the plasma pistol. MLG has replaced the shotgun with the mauler, it's more balanced and overall better for gameplay then the shotgun.
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This map is so much fun. When I played this with my other friends online, it was hilarious. I would go into a room and slip into one of the secret spots and they didn't have a clue where I was. I loved this map, the secret spots were genius, I think you should make another map with the smae concept of secret areas. However, thin only thing I hated was that big open gap in the map. It looks like you left out a wall and really you shouldn't be able to go otu there. - Brute Captain
  15. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    ur pics do show good quality map making
  16. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    My friend showed me this map a little while ago i thought it was really well done and you have some forge skill. I never found the hidden area but the map is still great.
  17. Hornet 3 0

    Hornet 3 0 Ancient
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    cued for download. Cant wait to try it.
  18. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    It's behind the dumpster in the room higher up than any other, which also happens to be the defenders base.
    Now you'll see why it's called The Pipes.

    And just in case, remember that there's more past the dumpster than some tiny tiny room, just keep looking, you'll see the path to the pipes below.
  19. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    A very nice high quality map. Just from the post I can tell you put much time into the map. The first step to a good map is a good post. The descriptions are wonderful and I have a good idea of what I am going to be playing in before I have even downloaded it.

    Which I am doing now.
    Good Job.

  20. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thanks, now I just hope you like my map.

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