Avalanche V.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Frito92, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    Avalanche V.2
    Created By: Ififrito92

    Recommended Players: 4-12
    Supported Gametypes: Multi Flag, Neutral Assault, and Team Slayer
    Items on Map: 2 snipers, 1 shotgun, 2 sets of rockets, 2 needlers, 6 BR's, 4 plasmas, 1 ghost, 2 mongooses, 2 warthogs, 2 regens, 2 trip mines, and 1 bubble shield

    I know what your thinking....A remake of Avalanche on Foundry??? Well, it is obviously a much smaller scaled down version of the map, but yes, it is what I would consider a "remake." But why would I make a remake of a remake of a map? Well, I was really excited when the legendary map pack first came out, so I figured, why not recreate one on foundry? From there, i built the two symmetrical bases and built the rest of the map as close to Avalanche as I could....

    There are a few major changes that I made in order to suit the gameplay of the map. First off, I made the snipers spawn in the bases. I took away the the overshields and active camo and made the bubble shield spawn in the middle. I took away the spartan laser. I took away the turrets by the man cannons, and I took out the whole middle snow cave with the man cannon in it...

    These changes aside, the map still looks and feels like a much smaller version of Avalanche. It works great with multi flag,and neutral assualt, and shotty snipers is also a lot of fun.
    The two symmetrical bases took me the longest to get right because I had to keep looking at the Avalanche bases for reference. In the end, they turned out pretty well I think. The main central structure is also cool because I used geo-merging for the shotgun room. I used stairs standing upright to represent the icebergs in avalanche....

    Screenshots: Enjoy!

    Overview 1 (upright stairs=icebergs)




    Shotgun room


    Inside Base


    Well, there you have it, my scaled down version of Avalanche on Foundry...Hope you like it! =]
    Obibital likes this.
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wait ehy would you totally recreate a map the is already on halo i dont see the sense in that i do see that ideas from other maps make up a lot of the maps out today but a total recreation like this is (sorry for sounding mean) stupid. i mean i feel you did a good job but no i will not download an avalanche remake
  3. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Don't ever critisize someones map with out giving a good reason. No offense, but are you trying to get banned?

    I like this map, it looks decent. The layout is somewhat interesting, I like that it is inspired by avalanch. I'll check this out and come back with more detailed feedback...

    EDIT: sdraukalich, chill out dude...
  4. Delta Runner

    Delta Runner Ancient
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    The bases look clean, but really why would I play an Avalache on Foundry when I can play it on the actual map and it looks way more beautifully. Nice effort but it just doesn't cut it for me. 5/10.
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i think its actually pretty cool. yeah, theres already one, but its still different from the actually one. and no one else has done it. i say 5/5!!!
  6. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    he did this for the players who dont have any ms points so they can still enjoy the new maps.

    ps: GOOD remake you should put this on the sticky "remakes" forum im sure they will like
  7. Happy Forger 08

    Happy Forger 08 Ancient
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    although i have not yet posted a map and am not very well know in the FH community i believe it is a very creative map and well downsized as a smaller map & in my opinion the gameplay looks as if it would be quite interesting although i don't recommend riding around on foundry in the mongoose he put there you will get pooted on LOL nice job and from a viewing standpoint i give it a 4/5 GJ
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Personally, i'll just stick with avalanche as its gameplay is undoubtedly better (no offense but Bungie makes better gameplay maps than anyone on FH) but like what was said, it could be nice for someone who isn't willing to pay the 8 bucks or so.
  9. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
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    dude... this map is great and all the jerks out there who say this map sucks is a piece of -blam!- 6/5
  10. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    This is just cool! It is somewhat resembling the real map if you had no title. I like the layout for such a small replica! I would suggest for your next map that you read and try to comprehend the forging techniques on the left of your screen. They will help you to make smoother and just better looking maps. Not saying yours is bad looking! Still I would suggest putting all of your ideas into a map further on down the road. Great idea Great map! If anything confuses you in forge I am pretty good with all the different things in forge, just ask!

    Resix and Obibital like this.
  11. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    This map is certainly... uh... in resemblance of Avalanche.

    Anyway, nice interlocking for the most part. My only criticism is that nothing seems very eye-catching nor interesting.

    For the most this map looks intriguing and deserves a 3/5.

  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I think this is very creative and you did a great job remaking the bases. But I question your desision to remake a map that is 8 times the size of foundry.

    I think you should remake another map from Halo 3 like Gardian or Construct. I think they will turn out much more successful.
  13. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    actually i already made a remake of Guardian and i will post it soon!
    JASONYO likes this.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    I'm gonna b honest it's a good remake but there is no point in making a map that is in halo 3. I understand a hal 2 map but I can just as easily play avalanche without downloading ur map
  15. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    This is pretty original and it does somewhat resemble avalanche. It does lack aesthetics I'm afraid, but I do see resemblances between the bases and the shotgun room. In my opinion you should have just interlocked a mancannon into the bases instead float a gravlift . But this is a great map either way 5/5.
  16. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I would agree with a lot of other people who posted. This map would be great if the real Avalanche was not in existance. I am sorry, but it just isn't cutting edge that I feel the urge to download this map.
  17. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    well fine then, don't download it...=p
  18. RadioActiveBeaver

    Senior Member

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    This would be very interesting to play.
    you 've done a really nice job seen as though foundry could cleary not fit avalance in.
    Good Job! ;)
  19. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, this is just incredible, you made a remake of a map already in Halo 3, that is insanely unique. And a definately great way to test your true forging skill. Great job! 5/5 just for the idea and creativity.
  20. greenlanternguy

    greenlanternguy Ancient
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    I like the map even though i can't stand foundry maps because it is a larger map made smaller. Game play will be different and it is an interesting idea. I think it suffers in the looks department though. 4/5

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