
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by o D O O M o, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. o D O O M o

    o D O O M o Ancient
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    This is my first Forge hub Map. So if i do anything wrong in my post please tell me. Its my best map yet and i hope you like it.

    Best for CTF, King of the Hill and Slayer.
    Thinking of removing the ghost, give me your ideas.


    Sniper x1
    Shotgun x1
    Battle Rifle x6
    Plasma Rifle x4
    SMG x2
    Plasma Cannon x1


    Plasma Grenade x8
    Overshield x1
    Active Camo x1
    Frag Grenade x4


    Ghost x1

    Main Tower

    Centre Area

    Back Area

    Back area to human spawn/flag spawn

    Side View

    Re: lots of people have being pointing out little things wrong with my map, so i got straight to forge and sorted them out. I have got rid of the Ghost and replaced it with a needler, 1 spare clip and respawn time 180.I have changed the Back area. I have blocked all known ways to get out of the map. And have also straightened some things out so i hope you like the changes, and hope you like the map.​

    Here is what the new centre Area is like

    Here is the new Back Area

    Hope you like the Changes​

    #1 o D O O M o, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  2. o D O O M o

    o D O O M o Ancient
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    Thanks man. but it actualy was missing the link but ive put that in now :D
    So dont forget to download
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    WOw normally a first poster doesnt have the post correct, but you do. Thats a great start here! BAck to the map, the map looks great, great interlocking. I love the centre arena. 5/5
  4. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    This map looks really good. I love the layout of the map itself. I love just about everything this map offers. The weapon layout seems pretty decent. I will download it, the only thing I worry about is the ghost. I fear vehicles on foundry.
  5. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    This map is very creative. The path behind those windows is a great idea! Looks like good interlocking, especially for the first FH map. But I do not rate the count of posts. All in all, I´d give a 4.6/5. You are talented. Did you learn from tutorials on FH or did you join to post this map?
  6. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub! I see you're new here, it is very easy to get acquainted with most of the people here. As for one of your first few posts, you've made an amazing map, AND had the post up to standards, Great job! +rep just for that. I'm FlipStik, if you have any questions, just send me a message. Thank you.
  7. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Hey Doom! This map tops a lot of first poster maps, since they barely use interlocking and such. Anyways, great job :) I like the little walkway thing with BR's and snipers, however that part might be a little overdominating. The ghost feels a little too big for this map, but you handled the turret overpower well with the fusion coils.

    One major problem is that you can get out of the map with one crouch-jump :/ Also, there's another spot where you can grenade-jump out. I'll show you if you get on today.
    Obibital likes this.
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This looks like a great 2v2 map if you ask me, this also has a very unique original layout that looks like the weopons are well placed on the map as well.
    Good JOb
  9. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    oDoomo, I see you posted this in a hurry. It seems like only a few days ago... something like 2 days you began this map and now your done. Your just a lil map pooper arent ya lol. It turned out great, I havent had a chance to see how the Games would work on it, but walking through it looked very good. Keep it up but dont start trading in Quality for Quantity. Looks and Gameplay are more important than how fast you can put it out.

    Thumbs up man, see ya around.
  10. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    After DLing and walking through the map I could only find one problem. Everything else is pretty much perfect.
    The bridges that lead up to the sniper would probably be a problem because there's no cover and practically anyone in the map could pick you off. I'd recommend using some pallets held up by the teleporters you have left.
  11. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    First off, excellent first post. Great weapons guide on the pictures, and very smooth interlocking. For future reference, a couple things that could increase the quality of your map:

    - A general tip that only great forgers take the time to do; when you have a single box in the open, such as your overshield box, take the extra time to geomerge it. It's a really nice touch to maps.
    - A general rule of thumb I like to keep for power on a map: limit to either one overshield or one camo. It may sound picky, but it helps keep your power to a limit, and to weapons.
    - As rediculously minor as this may seem, I'm telling you for future maps, in that symmetrical structure where the Ghost is, if there is going to be a symmetrical structure, have it completely symmetrical. To the point where if you want those fusion coils there, have them all standing up or lying down.

    For a first post, your forging skills are exceptional; I'm giving you a couple small tips that will help you break the barrier into a great forger.
  12. o D O O M o

    o D O O M o Ancient
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    Well actualy i made the fusion coils tipped on purpose because it looked better odd.
    Plus it only takes like 1 second to get up those bridges

    So thanks for the help but everything you said i considered at one point and dicided not to change them
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    For your 1st map, its extremely nice. You just lack a few more pics to convince ppl more but its okay I'll try it out. Gameplay looks good for FFA or Oddball(lol) games. Keep making maps! I bet all of them are going to be great. Good luck with all your upcoming maps.
  14. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
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    Amazing map. Seems great for FFA. I give it a 4/5. Because of all the powerful stuff on it (shotgun+sniper+over-shields+camo+ghost+turret) but it's ok. There are 3 ways that I found how to get out of the map. And outside of the map, you have every power weapon and a bunch of equiptment and OS and CAMO and CP (Custom Powerup) so it's easy to get out, get that stuff, get back in and dominate. That's the only flaw other than the ghost that I see in this map. If you make it un-breakable (Can't get out of the map) then I'd give it a 5/5. Once again great first.
  15. o D O O M o

    o D O O M o Ancient
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    well my forge messed up so i cant buy anything so if you could help me with what ive got left then add me my GT is o D 0 O M o ( first 0 is a zero )
  16. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    hey so did u fix were i showed u sould get out of the map... even though some people probably couldent get it?

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