
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IcedFrappuccino, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    please download, rate, and comment!

    "Welcome to Malibu. Where all your dreams and horrors ensue."


    Right off the bat, I want you guys to know that this will be the final map I will make on Halo 3. I started this project sometime in the middle of June. So, this has been a 4 and a half month expedition I have been on. Don't get me wrong. I didn't forge day in and day out. The longest I sat down to forge was about 2 hours.

    I wanted to make a map that had original structures, original ideas, great aesthetics, and great gameplay. I started off forging with many ideas, but most of them failed. I made about 5 maps and ripped them apart before finally getting on the right track.

    One of the reasons it took me so long to finish this map, was because of the way I forge. I use my own tweaked techniques to forge. They take longer than the normal traditional ways, but are more accurate for me. For those who have read this far, I know you probably regret it, so I won't ramble on any further :p

    Malibu. is a medium sized, semi-assymetrical map. There are certain features, i.e. the two bunkers that are symmetrical. This map suits a party size of 2-8 players. It plays wonderfully with FFA and Team Games.

    Set Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    One Bomb
    Crazy King

    This map has many different styles of gameplay. You can fight on the ground. You can have a bunker war. You can fight from the highround. The spawns on this map are pretty good, if I do say so myself.

    This is a very aesthetically pleasing map. You will find never before seen structures and other things. Now, onto the weapons. I decided to add a spartan laser after discussing it with Domiboy. I haven't seen one on a map in awhile and neither had he.

    Weapon Loadout
    • 1x Sniper Rifle-2 Clips-120 Sec
    • Ix Spartan Laser-120 Sec
    • 6x BR-2 Clips-20 Sec
    • 2x Carbine-2 Clips-30 Sec
    • 2x SMG-2 Clips-30 Sec
    • 2x Spiker-2 Clips-30 Sec
    • 2x Assault Rifle-20 Sec
    • 2x Needler-2 Clips-60 Sec
    •2x Plasma Rifle-30 Sec
    • 5x Plasma Grenade-10 Sec
    • 5x Frag Grenade-10 Sec
    • 1x Bubble Shield-60 Sec-Symmetrical
    • 1x Regenerator-60 Sec-Asymmetrical
    • 1x Flare-60 Sec-Symmetrical
    •1x Power Drain-60 Sec Asymmetrical

    • 1x Mongoose-No Spawn at start-60 Sec-Symmetrical
    • 1x Ghost-No Spawn at start-60 Sec-Symmetrical

    Welcome to Malibu!

    This is B-Side in all of its glory. You can note 1 SMG and a frag/plasma combo.
    *-Mongoose Spawns here after 60 seconds in Symmetrical Games

    The other part of B-Side. You can see part of Bunker 1 and the plasma cannon house.
    *-Will be discussed later

    This is the plasma cannon house. You can see that you CANNOT dominate from this posistion because of the fusion coils.

    Bunker 1

    Mid-Hill. Duel wieldable plasma rifles on top.

    The Rainbow Colored Trout Rectangle. Don't get confused. It is an inside joke with a friend. Think of it kind of like the fish tank on "Troika."

    Alternate view of Mid-Hill.
    *-Flare spawns on Symm. games, while a powerdrainer spawns in Assym. games.

    A-Side and all of its glory.
    *-The ghost cannot be driven. Its only use is its guns. It spawns 60 seconds into the round on symm. games.

    A closer look at a few weapons.

    The Sliding Hill. I saw this on another map and decided to give it a go on my map.
    *-To get to the top, you have to jump and slide to the window panel. Back up a tad and then jump up to the top. Easy once you get used to it.

    Bunker 2

    Back hallway.
    *-Bubble Shield spawns on symm. games, while a regen spawns on assym. games.

    Top view of sniper.

    A Few Action Shots

    Me, losing with a mauler/sniper combo.

    Laaag headshot, ftw!

    I count, 1...2..3..4... dead bodies!

    This is my farewell to Halo 3 forging. This is my masterpiece. This is my trophy map. It is many things to me and I hope it will have a nice stay on your hardrive.

    Random Fact:
    41 Geomerged Objects

    If you guys have any suggestions for a v2, you can say them, but I doubt I will make a v2.

    #1 IcedFrappuccino, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
    Squiiddish and Playerhata27 like this.
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Gameplay on this map looks absolutely breathtaking i just downloaded it. Ireally enjoy the interelocking and geomerging and effort put into this map it looks great. Just enough cover aand the weapon placement looks good too. Iespecially like the rainbow trout box. 5/5 for looks ill get back with a gameplay rating. (if i remember)
  3. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Wow... this map looks intense. For one, I give you uberprops for that last pic. I know the hellish undertaking that is geomerging bridges... it hurts. Anyway, onto the actual important stuff...

    It's obvious that this map represents everything you've learned and taken away from this community here at ForgeHub. It's an amalgation of everything that makes maps great, as well as a few details from feature maps past. This is basically a pile of everything that has ever been praised about a Halo map. While I question your decision to include the Sliding Hill (Flaming Ninjas flashback... I'm scared...), the rest of these decisions seem to be rck solid.

    This map uses some very interesting and unique geometry, and I definately like that. Either you have a bunch of pics of the same place, or you seem to enjoy sticking bridges out of towers. Either way, this adds a sense of enormity to your map, a sense of height. I personally really like it, and am never able to replicate this effect in my own maps. It takes a keen eye for style, and you definately have it.

    All in all, this map looks perfect. BUT, as I have learned from that last tournament map, I need to play me some games before I can give you a final score. Definately worth a space on my hard drive. Here is your tenative 5/5 =)
    IcedFrappuccino likes this.
  4. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    Well this map looks pretty good, but one thing is that it looks open...and you should try to forge, even tho it is hard, the bridges into the ground in the that it flows well...definitely good job! Maybe a V2??
    Obibital likes this.
  5. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    This map is uber cooool! Here's what I like from what I see:
    1. A freaking Splaser?!?!? Thought those went out of style...
    2. I really like your combination of symmetries. The middle bunker area is symmetrical, along with the splaser spawn area, yet the bases are not.
    3. The obvious. It looks cool, and you definitely have unique interlocking and geomerging, some of which I've never seen before.
    4. Some cool structures. Examples: The ghost spawn on the A-side, and the sliding hill.

    I downloaded this shizzlez.
  6. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    The only thing I would question about this map is that hill that you need to know how to jump. I don't think I should have to explain how to jump up it to members of my party who just want to play halo.. But it looks like a great map. I will dl and check it out.
  7. S1L3NT h

    S1L3NT h Ancient
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    This map looks absolutely amazing. I especially like how you used the ghost only for its turrets. That always seems cool to me. I also like the area that you make the mongoose spawn in. It is like a miniature garage.

    I give the map a 5/5. It is a nice one to go out on.
    Obibital likes this.
  8. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    They are geo-merged at an angle IMO. There is no bump, but thanks for the input!
  9. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    WOW! great geomerging and interlocking. One of the best I ahve seen in awhile. I love Malibu, it has a great gameplay and flows very evenly on your map. I really love the sliding hill, It looks fun!lol. 5/5
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Very Nice map Frap, sad to seeit as your last, since you are obviously a great forger
    i lover the bunkers, just look bunker-tacular
    great geomerging, and interlocks
    i like the idea of in place vehics to replace the boringness of turrets
    didnt really show the back base, mabey add some additional pics?
    this map is all eyecandy!, im so dling
    only dislike about the map is the turret room and the mancannon/gravity lift room, looks kinda lame
  11. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, amazing, the mid hill interlocking looks fantastic, and the Plasma Cannon box is a nice idea. The ghost in the window panel thing looks cool, is it possible to get in it? And you said it's only used for it's guns, how do you keep it from moving and such? Anyway this map is very very awesome. And you made some amazingly well interlocking. Some spots could be cleaned up, but you've made an amazing work of art. Great Job!
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Awesome frappe. First of of, let me say that the discription of your map is amazing, you clearly put so muche effort into it, and I be most people skimmed it or didn't look at all. =(

    The maps awesome, it has fantastic aesthenics. Gameplay i bet is solid since the map seems to have the right amount of cover; and the weapon layout seems killer. Everything about this map is awesome.
  13. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Yes, you can get into the ghost. The window panels keep the ghost from traversing the map.
  14. IronBlitzkrieg

    IronBlitzkrieg Ancient
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    i like the layout of it it has an amazing amount of geomerging and other such things. i was the first to DL too
    IcedFrappuccino likes this.
  15. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Iron, I dled it before you.. Unless you downloaded way before you posted. So anyway, I'd like to review this map, because I played on it with some friends.

    I'd give the mobility a 1/10.

    • I got stuck (as in trapped) inside the ghost chamber after disembarking the turret that didn't work itself. I couldn't see what I was shooting at from inside the cave, and if I could, I would have to look up at the ceiling. I had to have a teammate betray me cause I was trapped in that death hole after about a minute of trying to escape.
    • Another thing was the hill I mentioned in my first post. I was right about it. No one bothered trying to go up there after they got picked off on their first attempt up. It wasn't even that great of a spot, especially to risk your life for.
    • I'm not sure if you did this on purpose, but the ceiling above the window side's bunker makes it so you can only climb up from those semi-merged singleboxes. It made it frustrating that you hit the ceiling when you tryed to jump into the bunker from the fence box.
    • That plasma-canon fence box was a hassle to get into. After countless fails of trying to get in there, I got naded and had nowhere to go as I was in a corner.
    • And lastly, I think you put the grav lift in the open box at window side so people couldn't jump into it, but really, it stopped you from jumping on/over the wall corner placed under it. I would much prefer if it were blocked off than being pushed down.
    I would also like to mention, there were people fleeing the map by nade hoping from non-window side's bunker onto the bridges that stuck out ever so slightly, and onto the walls that led to freedom - away from this cursed map.

    Now, the game-play was mediocre, but I'd honestly give this map a 2/5. The pictures made me happy, but the map was a disappointment.
  16. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    1. No one I have ever played with got stuck inside of the ghost box? I guess it is just you. I am able to see perfectly fine when shooting the ghost, also...? Maybe it is just my tv or something.

    2. That spot is a hassle. I know. I like it because I can get up the hill everytime with no problem. That is where I like to snipe.

    3. It's a bunker? If it did not have a ceiling, then it wouldn't be a bunker? You aren't supposed to be able to jump into the bunker from the fencebox. That is why there are two geo'd single boxes for access to both bunkers.

    5. It is a simple crouch jump? Are you not capable of doing that?

    6. You aren't supposed to jump through the wall corner. That is why I put the box above it in the first place.

    7. I know people can get out like that. It isn't that big of a deal. Since I won't be making a v2, I am not going to worry about it.

    It seems your main problem with my map was a few jumps that you couldn't perform or that you didn't like. You have been the only one to complain about those things before, so we will see what other people say.

    Oh, and Iron was the first to download the map. He was there when I put it on my fileshare. (lol rhyme)
  17. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Ok. Well sorry I wrote such a negative review. I guess you intended for alot of that stuff. I, too, can get up the windowpanel hill with ease, but others couldn't. And yes, I am a great crouch jumper and nade hopper and I was unable to get into the fence box. aNd lastly, I didn't dislike the map because some jumps were faulty, I just disliked it because it was hard to get around it. There were many instances were players got stuck in certain places or couldn't perform jumps and it took away from the gameplay.
  18. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I see what you mean. I guess you have to play the map a few times to get the feel of it's layout, jumps, etc. Most of the people who helped test it, knew the map inside and out, so I didn't hear many complaints. Maybe I should put a reccomendation in the OP that people should get a feel for the map before playing it?
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Those pics really caught my eye. Your map is amazing dude. The design is superb. I'll try it out, it seems like a very likable map. Although I suggest removing the laser because it doesnt seem to fit in and also remove the needlers because they are annoying.(I hate needlers). Great job.
  20. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Thanks. I put about 45 mins of work into those pics :D I am going to keep the weapons that you suggested I remove. The laser fits fine with this map. It matches the power of the sniper. Just because you find the needlers annoying doesn't mean we all do :p Thanks for the opinion though.

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