This is my gallery of screenshots. Blue Ghost Can you see it? Meteor Very simple picture, my current desktop background. Flame Spartan I don't remember how i got this effect... North Star 3 Good desktop background picture. Death Angel I don't know what to say about this one, its just pretty sweet. Half Blue This isn't my favorite, it's alright. Red Haze I absolutely LOVE the effect on this one. The laser looks like a mix of green and red, thats just sweet.
Half Blue is great! It is shiny, not too bright, you can see details, Theres a diagonale(Line from one corner to the opposite one, right word?), what makes the screenshot special. 5/5! Flame Spartan is 4/5. The "red mirror" in the spartan's head looks great! The other ones are 3/5-4/5.
I love the fire grenade one! All the other ones are good too. They are all artsy rather than some stupid explosions, so 5/5.