I don't see the pictures. Do they only work for firefox? Take that chatter to private messages, why dont'cha? The description depicts a wonderful map, though.
This looks ike it be a fun snipers map, but I think that theres too much open area to play anything else, you might get away with playing CTF but that's it. I'll still play though just to see if I wrong.
This map is way to open and needs to be filled in sertian spots, but it needs to not have sheild doors and more added to the bases and also you need to interlock more than you have. anyways the map is a 3/5 because of the errors.
What I see here is the conclusion of a project that was rushed, or just half assed. You have so much open space it's nearly unplayable. On top of that you have about 30% of the forge materials in your map, so why not put the other 70% to use? THIRDLY, shield doors are a no-no(Did I just say no-no? LOL) in the wonderful world of MLG unless their used for aesthetic purposes. I think the only way to improve this is to bulk up each structure and align your objects in a more precise fashion. Hopefully that will add to it's playability and sexiness. Goodday.