I'm kinda new to the whole forging I don't own my own xbox but i managed to do this one Hope Ya'll (you all yes i know). like it CAPTURE THAT Its like a Capture the flag game type and slayer not set for anything else (maybe zombies but idk) give me some cnc hint of what will make me better I dont think i need all these pictures but w/e Capture That
nice map, and you can never have too many pictures my friend, but i would like to see the center area that you took the pictures from. Everything looks tidy and easy on the eyes, i think you should add warthogs, there is enough room, or fill it up with more features. This map look like it has potential. Good Luck!
Looks pretty good, especially as your first map. However, the map is very simple and open. There doesn't appear to be a lot of good cover. This is a very common problem for new mapmakers. There a variety of ways to solve this, but one quick fix is clearly the easier: barriers. Barriers and short barriers are in HUGE abundance in Foundry, and make excellent impromptu cover. A handful of those scattered around would improve this map substantially. In addition, you don't seem to have weapons placed on your map, per se, you have loadouts. What I mean is that all your equipment and weapons are paired together. In a lot of the pictures, it seems as though the gun and item compliment each other well (although unless I'm seeing things the hammer is next to a power drain...). This may be a good idea for minigames, but you don't want ot cluster your equipment too closely together in actual maps. Try to move some of the weapons or items around, or just delete some. But don't reward a player with everything he could ever want every time he rounds a corner. For your first map, this looks excellent. I especially like the Overshields merged into walls to designate the bases. However, it would benefit from a bit more testing, forging techniques, and just simple planning and experience. I see a lot of promise here; I can't wait to see what you come up with further down the road. 2/5
yeah i thought about taking the regenerators and bubble sheilds of the middle structure and prolly add more stuff to the map thanks for teh ideas and i did fix one of the oversheilds that was sticking out my friend told me and i re uploaded the map
I agree whit half of what you say--what i dont agree whit is when you say that the map its too open??? since when open areas are not acceptable or forbidden in halo-- since original halo maps have open areas for example avalanche, sandtrap, standof etc. i mean every good player knows how to play in both closed and open areas and interlocking is not a requirement in forge so please rethink what you say about open areas and i do mean it.