SPYDER The newest map that i have made and thought that it was good enough to go on to here... It doesn't have a background story...it's just a map I like to play MLG a lot so that is how i really set it up. Weapons: 4 x Battle Rifles 1 x Mauler 2 x Carbines 4 x Plasma Grenades 3 xFrag Grenades Gametypes: MLG Flag (Multi or One) King of The Hill Players: 2v2 3v3 4v4 Pictures: Blue Base- Blue Base Tunnel- In Front Of Blue Base- Red Base- Red Base Tunnel- In Front Of Red Base- Download here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55238533 Enjoy!
Throughout this map it apears that nothing is too eye-catching and the ground apears to be very open. Perhaps creating more objects on this map will provide more attention. Other than my opinions, it looks fun and interesting. As soon as you consider a v2 I will consider a download. For now, this deserves a 3/5. *It can be fixed, though.*
Well the name refers to the center structure as Soldier62994 said... And the ground does seem open, but if you play it's good...if i were to put more i think that it would cluttered...thank you for all your info i will think about a V2 and what to do Thank you again
ya i really like the center structure that gives the is a 4.5 out 5 very nice map. I had a idea like this but i gave up on it because i thought it would take too long. But at least u did it very nice job i like it very much.
very nice i like the center structure ver nice twist on hte average mlg map, good interlocks and geomerges i like the hole divided open box
this need a vid... action shots... or just plain old more shotz... nice tho interlocking is good... geo merging looks alittle sloppy nice wall tho... and overall its a pretty DARN good layout nice job just try n add those^^^^
this map indeed looks like a spider, but its a little open like people have stated above and maybe more screenshots showing off more of the map would help too. and also maybe edit your post and make the text grey or something i can hardly read it.
Very unique and creative. Seems kind of open with medium to little cover in some areas. The Interlocking is neat, but looks like the frame rate might run a little high, (I don't know though, I can only judge based on the images.) The double box pipe/arch looks pretty well made and cool. 3/5 for a job well done.
pretty cool map, your fusing with the bridges in to the double boxes was a little sloppy, ( u can see through part of the bridge) but other than that it looks like a half-way decent map...3/5