I know I'm not the first person to think of a thread like this, so if there's another one of these threads on here, a mod can feel free to lock. If you could add a vehicle to halo 3, what would it be? I have two: the Tank Ghost and the Power Prowler. The power prowler no longer has a turret, but has two seats on the side with mounted flamethrowers. mg: Longer range than normal, and they don't overheat. The Tank Ghost loses its boost function to fire fuel rod bullets, at about the same speed as the gun. So, what about you guys? What would you add?
A mongoose sized vehicle, human, drops trip mines that reload every 8 seconds. secondary feature; sniper rifle with scope (attatched to vehicle) *or* if this never happened how about a plainold warthog gaus/chain with detatchable turrets. huh?
a hornet that shoots spartan laser shots instead of missiles. a gauss warthog with a small turret for passenger. a motorcycle type vehicle with a mini turret that can be shot by the driver. a armor personal carrier which can carry a driver, gunner and up to 4 passengers.
I got another!!! You know the transport hogs? One of them, that also comes with gun totes, which keep a selection of up to uhm 4 light weapons, 2 med, and a heavy. That would be awesome.
What about a flying scorpian? I mean, everyone plays Avalanche HC and eventually runs into a spike of ice, why not launch over it? That would be the epitome of beast, and you could get splatters in the scorpian. Also, bring back the driver operated machine gun (original from H1 and H2).
well i haven't played merc 2 but i will soon so idk what it is in merc 2. oh and vinco instead of flying it could have jump packs on the treads and also to be able to be a passenger on the tank instead of the gunner or driver
Yeah, to make it fair, a flying tank would be like the Halo version of the AC-130 gun ship. Supa cheap, especially to terrorists. Also, maybe a walker, like in Battlefield 2142 or Star Wars.
I want a mongoose with a chain-gun on the back. I think someone already said that one, so I'll go with a jet pack. I know that's more like equipment, but whatever. Of course it would be low powered, with minimal fuel and a short fly time that takes a few seconds to re-power. I guess it would be a little overpowered still, but it would still be really freaking fun.
I like the hanggliders in farcry but they wouldn't really come in handy in Halo. So how about a heavy air vehicle like in mace griffin bounty hunter. Like it doesn't have to be too big but so the people you're carrying are covered and can walk around inside.
new idea a warthog with a turret that shoots the spartan laser beam. a mongoose or warthog that spawns with explosives on it so you can blow the **** out of the enemy. a sleeker human air vehicle that has 2 machine guns, air to air missiles, and 4 bombs that you can drop. a amphibious vehicle, like the kind we have now where it can switch between water and land.
That would be sick huh? Like what if therewere a map. Like a really big one meant for 8 v 8. And it was seperated by water and the only way to get across was by boat, amphibious vehicles, or flying. Like maybe have an Elephant that could float across. that would be dope.
I want a...hmmm..a Human transport helicopter type..but its more easier to control and fire both turret and missles..I want it to be a lot more faster.
wouldnt that be a warthog??? well, id like to see a troop transport u can put in forge, s in games u can have like 6ppl in and all atk a base. and if u stick a full vehicle u'd get a cool medal. if i made one it'd have to be somesort of long range artillary for like big maps like sandtrap and avalanche. when u atk its like an airstrike but not as strong. and takes like 5 min to charge that way u cant like barrage a whole buncha ppl, or u can set the charge time when u place it in forge.
that would be awesome have like an amphibious elephant and apc and have like a pelican or some type of flying vehicle
Wow, I just had an epic idea.... what if.........Bungie made a new Covenant or possibly even Brute-based aircraft that held a pilot and 2-4 passengers. It could have no weapons (or some weak turret gun), but it'd be fast as hell, and....you can actually eject the passengers via drop pods with a press of the B button? How badass would that be, like on Sandtrap or something, you just make a quick pass over the opposing team's Elephant, press B button, then get the hell out of there. Now, we jump to the perspective of a passenger. The whole time, you could just be sitting there, looking at armored plating. Then, you hear the vehicle lift off, get ejected, then a light flashes, as well as a line of text, indicating you can leave the pod, and jump into the firefight, grab the flag flag, catch a ride on a mongoose and score the winning point, and cheer with your comrades while insulting the other team in the post-game lobby. That would be ****in' epic.... I actually made vehicles for all 3 factions (Human, Brute, and Covenant), so every faction had their own One-man vehicle (ex. Ghost and Chopper) and tanks and everything. I'm drawing them right now, I'll post them up when I'm finished with everything in the Graphics section....... BUT, anyway, yeah, I'd want a Covenant/Brute-based vehicle that launches drop pods, 'cause drop pods are badass.