It is my first montage and I forgot to add things but it lacks multikills but comment and tell me what you think! [youtube]pc7eSTe6ag8[/youtube] For more video go to GodzofW4R website
The noscopes were pretty good although they were single kills. I liked the sticks but like you said it was lacking multikills and other stuff. I wish I had a capture card...
Hi. Your friendly neighborhood montage loving penguin here. You sir made me cry. Editing was horrible, you need to edit the pauses out for each clip. If you accidentally leave the options menu going, refilm the clip. Music sucked major ass. Kills where nothing exciting. And most of all when making a montage, make sure you press y to go to free cam, and then y agian to go back to yourself, and then the right thumbsick to go back into first person, so your aimer shows. Excuse me while i mourn the death of one my favorite halo video genre. ps. take this negitive feedback and use it!
Rofl, a little on the harsh side but now that I watch it again I see what you are saying. There is a pause inbetween each clip which takes away from the "Montage" aspect.
It was okay... I agree with Penguinish.... Music SUCKED. Pauses were Annoying. Lacked some skill. Single kills mostly, but nice no-scopes...
ccmon u guys take it easy there is no reason to be mean. its one thing to give consturctive criticism, and i dont want to argue but penguinish that is overkill. I just dont think that being mean to people is a good thing.
Lol, way to bump a very old post. I dont care if i sounded mean, i told him what i thought about this video.