Too Many Games!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    Guys, I just pre-ordered 3 games:

    -Gears 2
    -Fallout 3

    I might rent Far Cry 2, Call of Duty WaW, and GH World Tour later, or something.
    Getting all of them is impossible. Unless you gave me some money. lawl
  2. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    *Left For Dead* - This game looks f'ing great. It looks like a great zombie surivial with 4 player co-op. I'm going to get this as soon as I can find it in stores or on release if i pre-order it. I'm sort of sad that this comes out so late compared to the other games on my list because I'm concerned that I might blow all of my money on the others before this comes out.
    Release Date: NOV 19, 2008

    Gears of War 2 - I've only played the first one a couple of times but a friend is getting it too and I told him I'd get it so we could play together. The times that I played the first GoW were mostly on campaign which was great. The one time I played online I was getting either extremely spawned camped or my teammates were killing me as soon as I spawned. I'll probably get this soon after release.
    Release Date: NOV 7, 2008

    Call of Duty: World At War - From the videos I've seen of it, it looks pretty much like CoD 4 which I enjoyed a lot so hopefully the new WWII theme will still fit well. I'll probably wait to hear a couple of friend's opinions about it before I get it though.
    Release Date: NOV 11, 2008

    Farcry 2 - I never played the first one but the only real reason I want this is for the map editor. I want to hear about everyone's opinion of gameplay way before I get this though, because there's no sense in making incredible maps if they all suck to play. The videos I have seen though show some pretty incredible features; realistic fire spreading, dynamic weather and the sun moving with the time of the day.
    Release Date: OCT 21, 2008

    Fable 2 - I deeply enjoyed the first Fable and have replayed through it a couple of times. Fable 2 promises to be what Fable was supposed to be. This is a definate must get on my list after it comes out.
    Release Date: OCT 21, 2008
  3. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    i already reserved both of those- they are the two i decided on cause i have both the originals and they were sick, anything else is for xmas
  4. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    All I know for sure is that I am getting me some Guitar Hero WT. This is a requirement.

    Newcomer Mirror's Edge looks pretty sweet, as does Gear 2. Unfortunately, I was not the world's biggest fan of the first Gears. I don't like games where it takes that many bullets to drop somebody; it just gets old. 2 looks a lot more promising, but I dunno...

    Guitar Hero wins ^^

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