Guys, I just pre-ordered 3 games: -Banjo -Gears 2 -Fallout 3 I might rent Far Cry 2, Call of Duty WaW, and GH World Tour later, or something. Getting all of them is impossible. Unless you gave me some money. lawl
*Left For Dead* - This game looks f'ing great. It looks like a great zombie surivial with 4 player co-op. I'm going to get this as soon as I can find it in stores or on release if i pre-order it. I'm sort of sad that this comes out so late compared to the other games on my list because I'm concerned that I might blow all of my money on the others before this comes out. Release Date: NOV 19, 2008 Gears of War 2 - I've only played the first one a couple of times but a friend is getting it too and I told him I'd get it so we could play together. The times that I played the first GoW were mostly on campaign which was great. The one time I played online I was getting either extremely spawned camped or my teammates were killing me as soon as I spawned. I'll probably get this soon after release. Release Date: NOV 7, 2008 Call of Duty: World At War - From the videos I've seen of it, it looks pretty much like CoD 4 which I enjoyed a lot so hopefully the new WWII theme will still fit well. I'll probably wait to hear a couple of friend's opinions about it before I get it though. Release Date: NOV 11, 2008 Farcry 2 - I never played the first one but the only real reason I want this is for the map editor. I want to hear about everyone's opinion of gameplay way before I get this though, because there's no sense in making incredible maps if they all suck to play. The videos I have seen though show some pretty incredible features; realistic fire spreading, dynamic weather and the sun moving with the time of the day. Release Date: OCT 21, 2008 Fable 2 - I deeply enjoyed the first Fable and have replayed through it a couple of times. Fable 2 promises to be what Fable was supposed to be. This is a definate must get on my list after it comes out. Release Date: OCT 21, 2008
i already reserved both of those- they are the two i decided on cause i have both the originals and they were sick, anything else is for xmas
All I know for sure is that I am getting me some Guitar Hero WT. This is a requirement. Newcomer Mirror's Edge looks pretty sweet, as does Gear 2. Unfortunately, I was not the world's biggest fan of the first Gears. I don't like games where it takes that many bullets to drop somebody; it just gets old. 2 looks a lot more promising, but I dunno... Guitar Hero wins ^^