size=3]Top of the Base![/size] Created by PshycoChocolate Supported Gametypes: Close the Node (Assault) Map Description Recommended 8-16 players. 2 teams only red and blue. Starting Weapon: Br and Magnum Weapons PLaced on Map : Needler, Shotgun Sniper, Rocket, Covenant Carbine, Battle Rifle. More then one of each weapon is placed. FIRST MAP POST =) Treat me like a person who has not put his first post This is an assault based game with a big twist. Here is how it works Two teams start off in a small blocked off room. You then take a teleported to your base. In the base is a shotgun and a sniper and a machine gun but you can just look at the photos for the minor details….So off to the real thing The neutral assault bomb is placed in the middle of the map. Once you pick it up your are almost completely dead. Pretty much one stray bullet from and ar… (There are no ar’s on this map because I hate them) will kill you instantly. There is a solution. Above each base is a custom power-up. Once you pick it up the team whose base is under that power up can not go through the teleported, because it will be blocked off, enabling them to get back to the map for about 2 minutes which gives you plenty of time to take the bomb to their base and plant it. #3 rounds per game, custom power up gives you 90 seconds of 3 xs over shield, 110 resistances and 150 damage which should be enough to eliminate a lot of the other team. Since there are snipers on this map when you spawn you have 3 seconds of invincibility to make sure you can get into the tele to ur base safely without getting picked off from the sniper. Shotguns are in each base with 6 bullets. Each sniper has 12 bullets. Two ways to get up to the bomb are a teleported which can cause you to get picked off when you go through it, and a grav lift which floats you safely to the top with 2 shield doors guarding you but you are vulnerable while entering the grav lift. 10 second respawns are given to make your life a hell of a lot easier, being able to get to that custom power up on the other side without being swarmed by an infinite number of enemies. Now onto the pictures =) _________________________________________________ Team Spawns [/img] Blocked off exit of Spawns [/img] Map Overview [/img] One of the Exactly Alike Bases [/img] CLOSING THE NODE contraption (Custom Powerup on top [/img] Center of Map [/img] No Getting out of this Wall [/img] Grav Lift to the Bomb [/img] Bomb Spawn Point [/img] _________________________________________________ Ty for all the people who helped me test this map out and to myself for building this map and for CHECKEREDFIRE for keeping me company during the making of this map. Download MAP NAME HERE Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE
I know I say this a lot but if you looked up some of the forging 101 techniques you my friend would be an amazing objective and mini game map maker. With your mind (considering you made this, I hope) you could be great! Now onto the game type first. Like I said this is an amazing idea. It looks like it was thought out and when I think about it I think it works! Just looks fun! The map looks like you are definitely a beginner, that is not bad because it has the back round juts not the building blocks. If you ever have any questions on certain things in forge or halo or whatever, you can ask me cause a maker of this map/game type deserves an answer. I mean that with all trueness! -Irish
First of all, the map doesn't seem quite up to the standards of straightness. Its very crooked. Also the weapons seem to be kind of powerful. The rocket launchers, the brute shot, the mounted machinegun, Sniper, Shotgun, and the needler. The custom powerup can be a bit powerful as well. They are kind of powerful. Its a nice concept though. The map also seems very open to being picked off by fire from above. Nice First Try Though. The Code you have is kinda messy too.
Actualy I have much better constructed maps but i didnt think i really needed to interlock a lot of stuff considering I shouldn't interlock something when its fine the way it is. But trust me I have made much better interlocked and supported maps but this is my first one i've actualy backed up
Most weapons have almost no ammo in it and respawn at a very high time. Also its not really croocked a lot of bent walls are put like that for a reason trust me try out the map its fun
Dude... This is soo escapable. Especially with the Brute Shot in the picture. A brute shot jump from the stairs can easily get you over that. Sorry, but you gotta work a little harder on that. As for the rest of the map, it looks alright. It is pretty sloppy, but also original. I gives you 3/5. Thats minus 1 point for being breakable and another for sloppiness. But nice job overall.
Ok i admit it is not 100% not escapable but honsetly..\. if you do get out of the map how the hell is that gonna do anything for you....ur stuck there and have nothing to do, also no it is not escabale their may be a 1/100 chance of escaping but trust me no... Also if your gonna critisize about that you think something is off actually try the map to check yourself because i have tested this map and have not once seen anyone able to make an escape so just try it yourself before you critisize on an uneducated guess.
This is a very sloppy map. I see almost no evidence of advanced Forge techniques here. There is minimal to no interlocking, and no merging or anything. This isn't a problem in and of itself; but your map would look a LOT better if used those skills. It just looks very bumpy and crooked. Also, the map in and of itself is unimaginative and bland. two bases blow each other away with a power weapon pile... Never been done before? Not exactly... Anyway, really the only redeeming quality of this map is the switch. But even this seems forced: whoever gets the other team's powerup first wins. So why not just make this a straight-up assault game, as opposed to having a team run around unopposed after the battle is over to plant a bomb? I recommend you read all of the Forging 101s and use them to further your maps. Also, turrets vs turrets is bad. Don't do it, that's down there with Armories on the list of mapkillers. 1.5/5
Well, you certainly seem to know how to create a fun map, but the forging skill incorporated throughout this map is minimal. Next time try interlocking more often and spending more time on your maps.
I spent a lot of time on this map but i ended up messing everything up and trying to reposition it perfectly. I have interlocked quite a bit on this map but i dont get the reason why everything has to be unneccesarily interlocked when it is fine the way it is. And the giant wall is interlocked btw.
I really dont get how there are power weapons... a shotgun with only 6t shots and a 2 30 respawn along with an 8 shot sniper with 2 30 respawn and thats basicaly it. I just wanted to give a variety of un-automatic weapons. The fact that you have to get to their node and defend yours is more of a tactical thing. Even if someone does close your node it doesnt mean you lsoe because they have to eliminate your whole team. Even with the power up it aint so easy. And do maps really have to have unnesicaary interlocking its supposed to be about the gameplay not the asthetic value of the map. I posted this map based to be voted on gameplay not the asthetics or I would have put it there. And seeing how many download this map actualy has almost noone of you even tried the map to begin with. Just try it and stop judging me based on the asthetics. I have played many non well interlocked maps that have given me more fun then maps with a crud load of stupid objects merdge together to make a perfect wall. So honestly think before yo post and at east try out this map
This map is AWESOME!!! You have made a mini-game that has an accurate scoring system, a successful switch, and all the while incorporated great interlocking. This friday i will test this out with my friends, it seems like it will be loads of fun.
wow im sorry but pisture 3 needs more interloCking.You also should have added some areas around it though i do like the laspic.The basa look good so 3.5/5
I like the idea's here, with the large bridges that are symetrical on both sides, nice first post also