Uses Elimball, an elimination variant of Stickball Hello, this is my second map( my first being TeChNiKa a competitive map ). Its a large cone with ledges which you balance on, trying not to fall into the pit below which results in instant death. The players must stick each other in order for the explosion to send them into the pit. There are instant respawn grenades around the map so gameplay never decreases in excitment. Enough talk ................GET TO DA PICTURES!!!!!! please.... _________________________________________________ Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 And that's pretty much the map....... Feel disapointed? Then here's some vehicles gettin up to no good! Some good ol' warthog on warthog action Oh........he like's a challenge Pedophile!! _________________________________________________ On behalf of CCS Productions, machinima actors and forgers wanted!!! Add xG I Mizuno if interested!(Forgers internationally, machinima actors UK ONLY!!!!!!) GET METAMORPHISIS HERE (the map) GET ElimBall HERE (the gametype) Sorry forgot to mention this holds up to 7 players .
this map looks sweet, but could you add a little bit more of a description, like what are the peoples traits. and a few more pics showing the actual map, cause the first one is the only one that gives anything away.
Ya know, you made me laugh... THANK YOU! About the map... it looks amazing. i like the idea the map the fun it would give the action outside everything. This map just jumps out at me. Now the thing I do not like is what if you had a 10 player party. Surviving would be impossible. Now maybe another map somewhat larger should be made. Next time in your post put more action shots! -Irish just an edit i would say that you should take out the fusion coils... they could knock someone off without even thinking!
well it could be worse............could have put some naughty prophets n hunters gettin it on with Kenny G in the background
Well, the bottem pics seem completly pointles...Anyway, the map looks very well interlocked and looks pretty neat. I like the idea, and the floating everything. This looks like chaos, I am problably going to downlaod later, 4/5.
thanks and also the pics are just European humour so uts likely Americans wouldn't laugh thanks for dl-ing and its good to see a girl here (if you are a girl) showing the mix of different cultures and genders halo has, without sounding too sciencey bet you get alot of friend requests from horny gamers Jessica
the pit looks kinda like a pennyless map and pennyless was an awesome map. But im afraid things like this have been done before although i think this may have been done better. And good job with the floating objects and interlocking. And lol at the pics at the end are those outside the map?
Hmm a map where you are in an arena and you stand on platforms but if you fall you will slide to you death into teleporters..... I do not think I have seen this concept before...Anyway the map itself looks great, and it looks like it will play well. I will download it and see for myself.