
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JessicaJones, Oct 15, 2008.

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  1. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Made by In Amber Clad and Hells Gears


    An old Forruner structure now destroyed by the Coveniant. It was once a sight to see, now just an worn out structure. Though there are skeletans of forruners, try and find them! By In Amber Clad and Hells Gears - 2-8 players

    : Download Radius :
    Supported Gametypes : Slayer, Team Slayer

    Pictures of the structures :
    The Center W/ Sword

    Under Center Structure

    Cat Walks (Same on both side)

    Destroyed Area, and Pointless Geomerged Turret!

    A few guns

    Other Side

    Forruner Skeleton

    Senital Beam : (Forruner Weapon) There are many on this map, since its an forruner map. Some of them are hidden in the destroyed parts of the map

    Enjoy the map! It was made by friends, not me!
    (I decided to do this instead of working on my map, lazy)

    Download at top!​
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  2. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    looks like a really good map i like the central structure but the skeleton may provide an over abundance of weapons still it looks great the destroyed parts with hidden weapons i hope that are not to hard to get at but still 4.6/5
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I should avoid posting here, but I will...

    First off, I can tell that this is an incredibly bland and open map, but not much else. No weapons are listed, so I can't determine the weapon set except for the fact their are "a lot" of sentinel beams, and I gathered Plasma Rifles, a flamethrower and Needlers from the pictures, as well as a sword. Of course, their is also the AR's making the skeleton.

    First I would like to address that this is not a Competitive Map. Competitive maps are maps that are meant to be played competitively, simply put. However, for a map to have good competitive value, it needs good spawns and good and balanced weapons. Since I can't tell about spawns from pictures, and I am not planning to download, I will just attack weapons.

    First off, a pile of AR's alone makes this a poorly competitive map. You just don't do it, and no excuses can be made. Sure, looks kinda cool, but is the worst thing you can do for a map. All someone has to do is stand there and never worry about running out of ammo again.

    Then there are Sentinel Beams to begin with, but it is another thing to have more than one. They are a power weapon, a strong one at that. They aren't like they were in Halo 2. No, they are strong, overpowering, and unless you have a power weapon of your own it is hard to defeat someone that carries one in their hands. The ammo lasts for a good 5-10 kills depending on how you use it, and then they can just run over, pick up another one, and continue raping with it. Bad idea. It doesn't appear that they were even placed strategically on the map.

    Lastly, there is a flame thrower that seems to have been laid down without the littlest thought on gameplay.

    I could probably go on, but I think those points make my point good enough. Point is, this is not a competitive map, and just posting it in this section does not make it one. Now, I understand this is not your map, neither are many map posts of yours, but instead friend's maps. That is nice of you, to post their maps for them, but don't. Sure, host them on Forgehub, but refrain from posting 3 maps a week here if they aren't even yours. Why?

    The point of posting a map is so people may have the chance to learn about it's existence, and download it. However, at forgehub, we also criticize maps. Any criticism I gave, or anyone will give will make no difference to you, for it isn't your map. Your friends obviously don't have accounts here, so they wouldn't recieve any of this criticism. Us commenting on the map is pointless if you think about it. Also, these map posts are short, quick and lazy. It appears as if you just post whatever your friends make now, for reasons I don't know. They aren't well constructed map posts, at least from a member who has been here for awhile, and is familiar with this section.

    So I offer an alternative. Post your friends maps in blogs. People read them, you can pm them to friends, and they won't bump any user created maps further down the list. They don't have to follow the post standards, and people have no feeling of obligation to comment on a map when their words won't even make it to the author. Is this against the rules? Well no, but you should be able to realize that sometimes that it is better to post nothing at all, and for the sake of your image and status here on the forums, you don't.
    DrawingMan, CHUCK and Playerhata27 like this.
  4. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    hey! u posted it! it looks fantastic, maybe its a bit sloppy here and there, but looks really good. i understand that its supposed to be a bit destroyed like u said, unlike when i posted excavation where everyone got pissed off cuz alot of things were crooked. but i like the idea of a skeleton in the map, maybe a lil too much weapons concentrated into that spot. overall it looks really nice i like the hidden weapons, it gives me a bit of an "electron" (by DTL) feeling which is one of my favorite maps by him. 4/5 and a dload!
  5. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    This map looks alright. You've got some cool features, like the interesting central stairway structure, and some geomerged areas, as well as the skeleton. As already stated, the skeleton is a nice aesthetic, but a bit random. It is also made completely out of weapons, an obvious problem as there are a huge variety of weapons in it to be taken. I think you should put in a more direct location if you decide to keep it (like in the center, or something), but also have it blocked off, like an exbihit-type aesthetic. This is simply a suggestion. The last thing is that the battleground is a bit lacking in general. I would definitely add a variety of long-range weapons and coverground to the catwalks and in the middle areas, so that you are not too isolated if you feel the need to mingle on the ground. Overall, not a bad effort, and I like some of the ideas. Keep it up.
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    The map looks good but i dont think gameplay would be that great seeing as though there looks to be toomany power weapons and it is very open. The aesthetic touches you made are pretty good though and the forerunner skelton looks pretty ba also i would suggest adding cover because that would really make the map look better and probably make it better with gameplay
  7. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Okay, here is a solution. I will make V2, and I will explain a little maore about the skeletan, now PLEASE STOPN POSTING ABOUT TOO MANY WEAPONS!!!!
  8. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I have to agree with xX5w33ny70ddXx... but I'll note that you should have worked more on this before posting it. Reminds me of a halo 2 level... can't think of the name. But I hope you upgrade this. Because I can see it actually being good.
  9. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Cool map. Kinda reminds me of one of the newest maps that had come out on Halo 2. Desolation:[​IMG]

    My favorite part is that skeleton. It may cause some gameplay issuses but still a really awesome aesthetic touch
  10. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Also I don't think that everyone has read this either IT WASEN"T MADE BY ME, read the whole post before you complain too me plz.
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Wasn't that mostly the point of sweeny's post. You don't make these maps you just post them, thus us complaining about the flaws (their shouldn't be so many in a final map post) doesn't even get back to the creator. I suggest you get a mod to lock this (since you'll be posting a v2) and pass on these suggestions to the creator.

    Oh, and while your at it, might as well tell them to make a FH account and post their own maps. I have a funny feeling you post them for them in hopes your status (being a girl lol) will help attract more attention.
  12. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Well, I help of completly make half of my maps. My friends TELL me to put them down.
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    Please have you're friend register on FH and post them, not you and besides how do we know you're not lying.
    chrstphrbrnnn likes this.
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