FLATLINE by blazeisgod Templet contest week 2 winner is back. V2 of this map updated things such as weapons, gametypes, cover, and has been made so that it is not breakable at all to my knowledge. if you break it please don't even bother telling me. . My inspiration. This map was my NEW curbstomp. in my opinion curbstomp was my best map but im not sure others thought the same so i wanted to make something similar and hopefully more liked. Gameplay. Flatline plays similar to a map that would be featured in halo 2 where the play grounds are all over, you can get up on the top of the map if youd like. Ive made it s that it is playable that way and you not being dominated from above. Its a mid ranged, Br focused map. Layout. Its layout is easy to catch onto and you will become familiar with it. its an asymmetrical map but has some symmetrical features added into it just to add something new not many people have done or even seen. Fun and games. While making the map i caught myself numbers of times just driving the vehicles around ramping off of stuff, it amused me.. so even if your by yourself this map is fun. lolol Gametypes supported by this map are... 4v4, 1 flag ctf 4v4, team slayer 2v2v2v2, slayer 6 person, ffa slayer 7 person, ffa oddball 7 person, ffa mosh pit 2v2v2v2, vip (personal favorite) 4v4, one side vip 4v4, vip weapon/equipment list: 6 Brs 1 shotgun 1 sniper 2 smgs 2 spikers 2 maps 1 plasma pistol 2 needlers 1 brute shot 1 spartan laser 1 plasma cannon 5 carbines 1 mauler 1 overshield 1 camo 1 bubble 1 power drain 1 tripmine 2 gravlifts 1 flare 1 deployable cover and frag and plasma nades. + i almost forgot. a worthug and mongoose are also in the map. PICS: Download Flatline If anyone would like to take some gameplay picture that would be great. if you post them on this thread as a reply i will add them to the picture list.
Wow nice map The Geomerging looks pretty good, but what i miss is by the horizontal stairs you melt this third stair under the horizontal stair and on the other side you put the fusion coils. Maybe its to near together to put another stair right there but i think it would look better. Allaround a nice map, i will play it with friends peace Ad1
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I'm glad you posted this so I can see more pictures than just the one from the Template Contest. Now I see why this won. The map looks amazing and it really looks like you put a lot of effort into making this one. I don't see any spots where I would be able to escape the map, especially not during gameplay. One feature I notice immediately is the fact that you used the back area for the map. Not many maps use that area so I though I'd congratulate you on using the commonly unused part of Foundry. The structure on the top right of the last picture looks awesome, and makes me want to make something like that. The astectics on Flatline are beautiful. The interlocked stairs in the middle of the map the form a "c" shape are very cool, and make it look like an arch structure almost. The power drainer spawn location on the fence wall bridge is something I'm using in a map I'm designing currently, and really add to the look of the map. It is something that is difficult to master, but when you do, you pull it off perfectly. Great job again Blaze. The gameplay on this map looks to be fantastic, and I hope to play on this very soon. You've really outdone yourself this time. Amazing. 5/5 for the pictures, but I'll have to go more in depth for a closer look at Flatline.
I'd say this map looks pretty amazing to me, I like the stair structure you used for a nice touch because I don't think that I've seen that structure done on any other map before. I can also see that in the last picture I believe it's a pipe like one from your other map Martyrdom. The map has some really nice interlocks here and there. I was waiting for this map too, I seen it in your sig and realised that it was'nt a link. But now here it is, The map is reminding me of your other map Curbstomp right from the start using geo-merged walls and the stairs structure. The layout of the map is completely different from some of your other maps too. I am always inspired to build a map like yours because it always makes me want to make map with really nice everything. Lol But seriously, Your maps you build are great. I'm downloading and +rep for you, also, I rate the map 4.8/5, I'll rate the thread later when I come online (In about 7 hours because of school) EDIT: The map is great and I was hoping to find a way out of the map but I did'nt, I usually try to do it on every map I download. Nice map and I seen the bit in the description where you wanted to get it like Curbstomp. You really did get it close to it. Sort of like Curbstomps Brother, Gameplay was superb, The carbines and fusion coils give you a big boost into the air and I got on top of one of the bridges by doing it.
Lol I saw this map about a week b4 it came out. I found it in his file share. Anyway, the map looks nice but when I downloaded it, the gameplay just wasnt there. You did a very good job with the map but I'm sad to say that I'm disappointed Hopefully in your upcoming maps, your gameplay will be much better. I still love your maps!
wow great meap i saw v1 in the template contest very cool design with the stair cases nice curvey ramps and catwalks, they reaaly add to this map mabey one side looks a litlle well not underused, but not as spectaculat
this map looks simple YET amazing!!! im going to give it a dl fersher. Very nice use of materials. From the pictures i can see: Interlockingz: very well done, looks nice neat and smooth. Looks like you have been around the park a few times (and no i didnt inteend that to be mean) Merging: Although only one box is merged it looks very clean. (from what i can see) Its bettter than anything i can do! Spawns: From the pictures it looks like there are very few spawn placements. Why is that? Or is there allot and im just blind Other than the ammount it looks like the spawn points are all equal. By equal i mean, well, hmmm let me think... *thinks very hard* *hurts* ..... im trying to say there pretty spread out and in uniformity. Same distance to stuff, cover at spawn, ect. General stuff: One thing i really like about this map is how you integrated the fence walls into the box's. It gives it a nice clean feeling in my opinion. I also really like the stair struckture. Although not original, It looks insanely cool. Very good use of merging in the map. Overall Score: 8/10 Very nice map! i will DL and be back with another review on gameplay
This map was actually based on its gameplay, Exactly how it plays is how i wanted it. I tested it multiple multiple times looking at every little aspect. Maybe you should get a few good games in on this, i think it will change your mind. But anyway... If you don't like halo 2 gameplay then that may be the reason b/c i based it on that a lot. Huntaro, there are pretty few spawns but only because there are safe spawns. It plays well like that, so i just decided that would be fine. There are more then you can see but are a bit less then normal maps. Thank you for the good pre-review, and I hope to hear back from you very soon with the full review..
Wow from the looks of this map I am guessing that this map has very good gameplay just from the layout. I like how you plan your maps out before creating them. Aesthetics are very nice as welll on this map, interlocking great aw always...All around great map, Blaze..dont stop forging lol
Hmm. Looks very interesting. I will DL and come back after a forgethrough. I'm curious to see if this will actually play and flow well, instead of just being a bunch of cool geomerged objects. That is what makes or breaks a map. So I will be back with a little review in a bit.
Man this is legit. Im feeling the weapon placement man.....Very.......better than mine...... The interlocking over looks very presise and the geomerging is.......much better than mine.... I like the staircases and the fact you used the back parts. Overall id give this 4.9/5, the reason i didnt give you the extra .1 is cuz i just cant see myself downloading this.
So i just got back from playing a 4v4 slayer game and this is how it went... Gameplay: The gameplay was amazing! Very well thought out, Very nice flow, Very Griping. Me and my whole team deffinetly had a blast playing this map! We even might elect our favorite to use Weapons: Again, A superb job! Weapons were all layed out evenly. Its very layed out and lets the game roll-along smoothly Spawns: Although very little spawns, they are very well placed. Its bassicaly always a safe non-kill zone instspawn! Very well placed! General stuff: Besides everything i said upove this, The Merging and Geo-merging Make this map very fun and thrilling. Its adds allot of new terrain onto the plain old every day slayer map. Overall Score: Before:8/10 Now: 9.5/10 Great map Dude! + res for making such a shweet map
Oh. My. God. This is THE best map ever. When I was playing it, I couldn't contain what I saw and ended up committing suicide in the game. Seriously, this map is amazing and my absolute favorite map..... ever. 9,000,000,000,000,000,000/2. AMAZING aesthetics and perfect geo-merging and interlocking. Did this get featured? FEATURE NAO!
I've been waiting how long for this, and you post it when you know im gone? I owe you an ass whoopin boy! I've had several different versions of this map, and it's definately one of my favorite of your solo maps. It is a very strongly built map with a solid gameplay to back it. I broke the map down for you here: | GAMEPLAY | The map isnt perfect, as no map is, but you've really gotten a good handle at where your strong points lie. The weapons are balanced and well picked, and even well placed. Wherever i am in the map, i always am within running distance to some form of weaponry to save me. It makes a WONDERFUL Free-for-all map actually. | LAYOUT | Clearly Curbstomp II., this map should feel both familiar and new to alot of people. It has all the basics that made Curbstomp fun, but you've used your growing knowledge of weapons and gameplay styles on top of your growing forge abilities to give it a facelift. I know it isnt supposed to be the same map, but its heavily based on it, which will cause continuous comparisons. There are occasional areas i didnt usually end up in, which is a negative, but the map makes a pretty good use of most of the spaces. | AESTHETICS | The map is pretty to look at, but you've done better in this department. Nothing is forged inaccurately, it just doesnt have as Epic of a look as it could. However, Gameplay > Aesthetics.
Flatline was a great map in V1. im very glad that you created a V2 because the map played very well and its aesthetics were hella great. they were very reminisce of your map curbstomp except you put the stairs flat and stuff. Either way it looked cool. Cool map, good gameplay. all the qualitys for another featured map.
Sorry this took so long, I've been busy. Gameplay: Flatline's gameplay was really fun to play in 4v4 team slayer and multi flag. The only thing that didn't seem to fit was the warthog. Every time my team used to warthog, we died in about five seconds. There is too much cover and walls in the way, so the warthog is one of the worst things to use on Flatline. Other than that, the gameplay was perfect, so: 9/10 Aesthetics: Your attention to detail on this map was excellent. You used some great forging techniques that make the map look great. The fence wall bridge was one of my favorites because it is something other than a simple flat bridge that many other people use. The slightly open door in the back base was kind of cool and I first thought you could get back there lol. 9.5/10 Layout: I don't see much wrong with the layout of the map, but as I mentioned in the gameplay section, there are too many obstacles for the warthog. Maybe remove some of the obstacles or something, but other than that, the layout is fine. 9.5/10 Durability: Flatline was a very tough map to break. I finally did it though. I know you usually don't care about people breaking your maps, but this one should really be fixed. I was sucessfully able to get out of the map, and exploit the budget glitch weapons, and was able to get back into the map with a sniper, sentinal beam, OS, Camo, and speed from the custom powerup. This is very easy to fix, and if you want me to show you how to fix it message me. Besides that easy fix, there was absolutly no spawn killing/seeing where other people spawned. I don't see any reason to change any of the spawns. 6/10 because of the break. Overall: Well, overall Flatline is a very fun map. I'm keeping on my harddrive and I like to play it whenever I get the chance. Fix up the break and you have one heck of a map. I really like seeing these great maps and playing on them. 9.5/10 And just to let you know, the video is being delayed again (sorry) because I have been very busy this weekend, but I promise it will be done by next weekend.