Pics and testing soon. I'm at work until 9 so I can't upload any pics, but I should get some up tonight. :squirrel_rocking:
cool i personally can't wait to see this "atmosphere" youv created :squirrel_wink: hoping to play on it soon.
yeah i love the idea, i built a junkyard and its fun b/c it takes so little time because u dont have to worry about making all of the walls extrmly straight and stuff like tht
I'm about to start working on a map idea that I thought of called the beehive. I'd use the unlimited budget map, and create a simple structure with double boxes. Then I'd make all of the areas accessible and begin creating walls and ceilings out of whatever i have left over, giving it a beehive look. I don't know if that'd be well recieved, but I think that messy maps stand out on their own, and shouldn't be negatively critiqued untill they are thoroughly tested out. thats just my opinion.....
I've been thinking about doing something like this but was afraid I'd get my head bite off... guess not
OK, I had already posted these before the site went down, but apparently they were lost. Anyway, here's some pics of the messy map I've been tinkering with. I've actually taken on a new project now and I've kind of put this one on the back burner, but I still want to get some opinions. It's a concept map, obviously. It's tentatively called Aftershock. If I decide to do anything with it I'll probably rename it to something more original. Anyway, just to give you an idea of what I meant when I said "intentionally sloppy", here you go. <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> Note: I'm not really trying to advertise this map, because I don't even have it on my file share yet. Just sharing some of my ideas.
In fact, I'm making an intentionally sloppy map at the moment. It's supposed to be a make shift fort against zombies so instead of immovable crates, I'm using poorly placed pallets and generators.
Well, I like the way it looks, but I haven't actually played it yet. I need to test it out so I can tweak it for gameplay. I"ve just been busy on other forging projects and haven't gone back to this one yet. I"ll post a thread in map testing when i'm ready to test it out. Thanks for the interest.
Yeah I'm making 2 internationally sloppy maps (completely different in looks, and gameplay) and I personally think that if done right (as you did in your map) that the sloppyness can make the game so much better. I think that we should start a revolution of forge.
I kind of like sloppy maps, as longs as they still work well. I have a couple sloppy maps, on of which is incredible, especially for infection. Having it sloppy can really help create an atmosphere like you said. For example, my map is one that has about 100 boxes and barrels everywhere, along with already destroyed vehicles. It is really nice as it adds to the ambiance of a once clean an normal map. Just make sure you aren't going to be making a competitive one! :squirrel_rant:
how did you amke already destroyed vehicles on the map? i know this is off topic but destroyed vehicles can make the cover in a map so much more origonal
You do this by placing the vehicle, but also having fusion coils spawn above them, enough to destroy the vehicle. If you have trouble with the vehicle respawning, adjust the respawn timers of both the explosives and vehicle, and you will have a pretty cool lookin map.
How would the fact that a map is "sloppy" - sloppy isn't really the right word for what I did, actually. It was actually very precise. Everything is crooked and sinking into the ground, but I don't know if I chose the right word for it - sloppy. Anyway, how would the fact that a map is built like that automatically disqualify it from being competitive? Competitive doesn't have to mean 90 degree angles and straight boxes, does it?
it does to some people,it wont to others. basically its the same as some people will like your map some wont. i personally dont care how it looks long as its practical and balanced. also that destroyed vehicles thing would be a great way to randomize cover in a map making sure no one takes advantage of the map
I think its pretty easy to tell when the sloppy map is deliberate or not, so its good., people wont think you suk at forge.