Medicom - Download Forged by Solo Background/Description: Medicom is an assymetrical creation designed solely for the enjoyment of warmups and small Free-For-All's. I made it around four months ago, but I never thought about posting it. So, I decided to raise it from the dead and make it thread ready because I believed it sported some neat features, including the shrine located at the center of the main floor (which was just recently added). Good lines of sight and 3 different levels give Medicom pleasurable gameplay with a small party. Enjoy. UPDATED WITH UN-ESCAPABLE VERSION! Oh, and if you're one of those people who purposely try and escape a map at a fetal attempt to be cool, and are still able to get out of my map, screw you and I hope you get shot in the foot. You're ruining the god damn experience for everyone. THANKS! Weapons/Equipment: Battle Rifle (2) Carbine (1) Mauler (1) Plasma Grenade (2) Frag Grenade (2) Active Camo (1) Set to 150. Gametypes: Supports FFA. It is recommended you use MLG rules and settings, and no more than 1-4 players.
I have to say the awesome name drew me in. I like the style of forging used here. You did a very good job on interlocking. The aesthetics are good, I like the white power up in the wall X thing. It looks nice. I'd like to see more pics though. From the weapons list, I can see that there are not many weapons. I think you need more than 2.
looks mkay good interlocks if this is for mlg, get rid of non mlg weps and no flame grenades!!! evar! i would align that ramp with the wall there ot make it neat
I am very impressed by this map, you have shown some incredible forging skill! I love the flawless interlocking, simple but neat layout, and your great aesthetics. A definite dl from me, I can't wait to check this out. Exellent job, keep forging!
I love this map... This map inspired me to make one of my first maps... Great interlocking, and aesthetics. It plays good as well. 4.99/5 (p.s. I Love You Solo.)
Looks like a pretty well-built and amazingly interlocked map. The aesthetics flow very well, and that white power up things is amazing (yeah I'm a sucker for shiny colored powerups XD... and yes I know how to make them before someone goes off on me for being a noob). The map looks well-designed and looks like it would play well. I only have a couple faults with this map, and they are quite minor. One, and this may just be personal preference, but I HATE incendiary grenades. I think outside of infection games where you just fool around, they should not exist. I don't think they should exist in any competitive or casual map, EVER. They're lame. Added to this, your map has a good abundance of cover. It seems to primarily rely on wide but short fire lanes. This brings the battle oft to close-quarters, I asume you experienced this in testing. The problem that arises here is that the Shotgun would be overpowered. I agree with the above post, Maulers would be preferable. In addition, a player with control of the Shotgun AND Incens would be able to direct the flow of enemy traffic quite efficiently down one narrow funnel... into his shotgun. Map looks pretty good overall, just fiddle with your weapon choices a bit and I tihnk it could potentially earn a 5/5 from me. It's still amazing in it's current state, don't get me wrong, I'm jsut trying to offer some criticism. I know when I post a map I like the critical, productive comments MUCH more than "OMFG LOL GOOD INTERLOX 5/5". So there is my input. 4.5/5 EDIT: by the way, while I was typing this, the post above me was about Maulers...
This map has a cool layout somehow. I love the feel for the map and the pillars. Although maybe you could have interlocked them so it would make the map look better. Not a lot of weapons I see, But that does'nt matter though. So you say you made this 4 months ago, It's very good though. Did you use a money glitched canvas for this map? I sure would have. The maps interlocking is very clean in my opinion. I'm downloading the map right now. I rate the map 4.7/5 and +rep for you. O you have 2 rep bars since I gave you some rep, Congratulations.
Holy Forgehub this map is extemely amazing! I love warm-up and FFA maps. Nice layout and very clean interlocking. Epic win, Solo. The only thing is that I recommend removing the deployable cover, firebonb, and the spike grenade. Also add BRs on the map so even though its BR start, people can still get some ammo. Excellent Job! I love this map.
At last, someone who merges their floors together as I do. And the map looks spectacular. Looks very small.... I would recommend adding cover along the sides of the outside edges of the map using sideways Window Panels but don't limit yourself to using just those. Add some merged shield doors towards the middle of the map to provide a little more cover. And the last thing, give us a way to kill that damned Shotgun guy!
This is a really good looking map. Only thing I don't understand is that ramp on your last picture; it's like a zit on the flawless face of your map. 9.5/10
This map looks amazing. It is one of the best looking map I've ever seen. Brilliant interlocking. However, accordingly to your post. You don't have enough weapons on the map. You need to add some BR's. Good looking map but sort out the weapon list. 5/5 map 2/5 weapons Final score 4/5
When I saw this map, I was really excited. I was disappointed, however, when I played on it. The map is well made, but it's just too small. I was able to spawn trap someone during 1 on 1. Great forging, poor gameplay
Thanks to everyone so far for giving their kind words of wisdom. I've taken into consideration the removal of the firebomb grenades(since they really are overpowering) and the addition of more weapons. A new version is now up with new weapons and removal of the firebomb grenades/spike grenades.
This map looks great. You have very clean interlocking and everything looks great together. What I especially like is your boxes with a wall and power ups in it. Great job overall. 9/10
Very nice map, It looks a little small though for my tastes, and why did you have it all on top of double boxes and stuff? you could have just used the ground and geo-merged the stuff. None-the-less this map is great. 4/5. Why 4? OOPS! I BROKED IT! You're map has been broked by DekuLink333. # of ways out: 2. Possibility of escape: Medium. There are two ways to get out of the map. One is by using a plasma grenade jump onto the wall over by the Foundry Crane. And the other is by the crate next to the pillar with the power-ups. You take the deployable cover, put it on the crate, jump on top of it and jump out by the A/B sign. Or grenade jump. Fix this and 5/5 this map will be for me.
A good review writen before download and test??? Wao i'm impressed at how most people give maps a review and rating even before they get to play on them just by looking at pictures like the gameplay doesn't matter-- lol-- i mean there's people saying "it's a good map i like this and that i will download it" --lol-- please downolad play and replay test and retest and then and only then post a review.
Haha sorry for ruining the God damn experience, and I know I' gonna get shot in the foot, but you can still get out by the A sign and crate with a grenade jump.