this is pretty good just a bit open but i like it with the base in pic one pic two looks interesting could you give a better pic of that still 5/5
Oh how I wish I was able to be in on the testing. Stupid real life. Anyway, you don't need me to tell you what an excellent idea this was. Two great maps, coming together as one. It was meant to be.
Beautiful. The interlocking couldn't be better, the geomerging is perfect, and the layout is beautiful. This looks like it would be a lot of fun on BRs. I simply love it. The only thing that I saw that I thought might be bad was the lack of cover. I might be wrong, the amount of cover might be perfect. 5/5
It is really thought out for gameplay from looking at the vid. It looks nice and aesthetically pleasing. Still for me I do not like that one structure of all double boxes right side up. It is just weird! Nice but weird! Very smooth and just looks good.
Looks like a great map Wonder! I loved troika, so i am probably going to <3 this one. The fish tank idea is think is a very creative one and very original. Well, good job Wonder on another great map and I hope to see more to come.
Odd looking but....GREAT! hahaha Good job to who made this map...great job! I don't understand where people get these ideas! But great job!!
Looks like its very nicely made, it has some new features I haven't ever seen yet, and I really like the idea for it. I'm going to download it right now and see if the gameplay lives up to its construction... 5/5
The map looks great possibly the best tournament map yet although to be honest i only got to play 2 of them up to now (electric slide and Pclipse). Lets hope this plays as well as it looks, will edit after my game to include my thoughts on the gameplay.
Wow... I have been astounded... Well, I DLd this map and went off to play a few rounds. I had a kinda weird sense dawn upon me as I was playing, but I couldn't figure it out. And then it hit me. I really don't like playing on this map. Don't get me wrong, this map is built AMAZINGLY. All the aesthetic details that were stuffed into this one little map continue to leave me almost speechless. The interlocks, merges and alignment are all flawless, and this is easily one of the most beautiful maps ever forged. However... It just isn't a lot of fun to play. The map is too broken up by difficult jumps; if you want to use more than 40% of the map you basically have to ignore your guns and focus on platforming. My biggest problem is with the placement and area surrounding the fuel rod cannon. This whole area is a mess; it was almost never included in our games. Nobody ever took the time to expose themselves to enemy fire long enough to climb this entire freakin tower and run across all the catwalks. It just isn't feasible in an actual game. So, with my newfound knowledge, I am retracting my previous score. The map looks amazing. This much is true. Aaaaand I will continue to praise this map as long as you don't make me play on it. 4/5
Hahaha, thanks Squiiddish. I certainly won't make you play the map, lol. And I won't try to change your mind - everyone has different play styles - but let me reply anyway. It is a very jumpy map, but only until you are in position to fight. You don't have to jump to fight on the map, but if you want to get the upper ground, an advantaged position over the battleground, you have to make some jumps. Almost all of the jumps though do not require a crouch jump, so I tried to make it as easy as possible. I'm suprised though that people are neglecting to use the loft area. One way up there, is a simple mancannon ladder. Works nearly every time. The other is the ramp/tower thing (even I don't know what to call it, lol.) It's a good source of cover from enemies on the curved platform. Once on top, there is a BR and a Fuel Rod cannon - very good weapons on this map. The A sign, can be used as cover while you shoot through the fence walls. It's a very commanding position on the map because you can see and shoot just about everything. So I think it's a very important spot for people to learn. Anyway, thanks for your post, and thanks for the compliments on my forging.
Ah, the GoO mash-up. Congrats on another feature, Nev. I though Bisquit helped on this one too; I guess there's a limit to just how powerful a 0 post premium can be.
Haha anytime, Neverless. You are an effin AMAZING forger. I personally am just not a fan of jumping. My opinion on the loft area is about the same as your; its a very commanding position. In fact, I personally think it's too commanding. It basically gives you a box of cover from which to rain Fuel Rod based death down upon the world. And once that's empty, there's a BR. Generally it seems that whoever got up there would dominate for a large portion of the battle. I like the majority of the rest of the map (minus the crouching area for the Sentinel Beam... however cool those aesthetics are). I just don't like having to jump and crouch and stuff to get around. Excellent map though
this looks cool diffrent i like interlocking could be a little neater but still4.8 and thanks for the balanced play feilds i hate it when a perrson puts all weps on one side and then puts a person with a pistol on the other
Awsome interlocking and geomerging dude! i can never geomerge right lol but anyway awsome work! defanant download for me!
Awesome map, I really like the decorations in this map like the shield door in the fence wall, and the double boxes in the fence boxes. Nice interlocking too. 5/5