That was great! Not much changed as it went on though. You have to have a moniter pick up the weapon at the same time they do, their arms follow where the un goes but it doesn't show up in their hands, fun to bug your friends with "WTF, WHERES MY GUN!?!?!?!"
I'm dying of laughter Asper. You used the Glitch I found months ago in a very good and hilarious way. good job. I'll be back Thursday. Later
Juggernaut and I were just messing around with the flying weapon glitch, getting footage for the tutorial I made for it when I accidentally did this glitch. To do it you need two people in forge, The party leader needs to be in monitor and the second player needs to be in Spartan form. The second player can only have one weapon. Spawn a weapon (we used fuel rods) and position the Spartan close enough to grab the weapon and the monitor needs to be highlighting it, on the count of three both players need to pick up the weapon. if timed right on The monitors screen (The party leader) should see the Spartan weaponless and arm in the air similar to the way in the video. We happen to active this glitch and immediately I started laughing and told him to spin around. later we went into Theater and watched it several times, noticing that it looked like he was disco dancing we decided to make this video.
This was so fun to make and funnier to watch. I enjoyed watching and making the effects in the video.