City Defence City Defence Hey, I’m here again with another map, unlike my other maps, this one actually plays better on objective games like one flag or bomb. However, don’t let that put you off because it is still good for slayer and pretty much every other gametype. I must advise you now that you shouldn’t really play it on multi flag and the assault version of that, seeing as I can’t remember the name of it. It doesn’t play very well for infection, juggernaut or VIP. It does however play with oddball, but it isn’t as fun. When playing with a team slayer variant, It would probably be best to put a BR for starting weapon, this is because there aren’t very many places where assault rifles come in handy, I have however put a few on the map. This brings me on to the three lists of weapons, Equipment and Vehicles… -Weapons- AR's- 4 - 45 Secs BR's- 13 - 30 Secs Shotgun- 3 - 60 Secs Sniper- 4 - 60 Secs SMG- 2 - 45 Secs Spiker- 2 - 45 secs Carbine- 4 - 45 secs Magnum- 1 - 45 secs Needler- 1 - 60 secs Brute Shot- 1 - 60 secs Rocket Launcher- 2 - 60 secs Energy Sword- 1 - 60 Secs Beam Rifle- 1 - 45 secs Sentinel Beam - 1 - 60 secs -Equipment- Frag- 2 Plasma- 6 Spike- 4 Bubble Shield- 1 Grav Lift- 1 Power Drain- 1 Flare- 1 Active Camo- 1 Overshield- 1 -Vehicles- Mongoose- 1 - 60 Secs Now, going from that to the main description of the map, here it is: This map original started out as a new predator map that I had in mind, however, It slowly became less and less like I wanted it, however, then I realised that it would still be really good if I made the other side as good as the first side. With that in mind, I first added a bit more cover in the middle, then finished the main base (The one that looks a lot like part of a city (Hence the name)) I added a few more aesthetical features to the base, then started to work on the attackers bases, which are joint bases in the ‘pockets’ of Foundry, connected by the back corridor, which has the bomb and flag plant points (In the middle.) The attackers base quite a few power weapons in there base, this is because they do not have much cover and they are the attackers. Don’t worry, I have spent a lot of time working with the spawn times of these weapons. Same with the city base. Note: The attackers how the overshield, and the defenders have the camo (It is quite hard to get to) They both have a 60 second respawn. I basically had only $250 to do the attackers bases with, yet, I still think they turned out really well. I have merged in both bases and have done some minor geo-merges in the city base, I don’t really think geo-merging helps in this map, it’s good enough as it is, but that is just my opinion. Almost everything is merged slightly in the city, but you’ll see that in the screenshots that are situated below… Overview 1- You can see the front of the city base except the far right piece. The Clocktower and one of the sniping points to the right and back. The Camo tower, there are a few ways of getting to it, but I’ll leave you to find them. The sword spawn, the weapon holder is merged into the box behind. Golden Cog bridge, the sniper spawns on it as you can see, there is a hill marker on it and a territory. The Geo-Merged Box and the flag spawn. The Back enemy bases. The overview of the middle of the map, you can see the stair corridor at the back and the small attacking outpost. The enemy base with the overshield. The back corridor, looking straight through. And, that is it for now, I have some action pictures, if you would be interested in seeing them, say so here, I havn’t posted them because I hope to be getting some new ones soon and they’re not all that good. Now, aside from that, I would just like thanks to all of you who just read through that, and I hope you download or atleast comment, so, thanks and I hope you enjoy the map =] Just incase you missed the link at the top, here's the map again... City Defence Hazza412
i like the sniper place and the sword holding up and the clock tower City woot i still cant tell what time it is on your clock tower (half past teleport ?)
thanks, I don't think the clockmaker could be bothered to put the other hands on...maybe i should have a word about how much I payed him... =P
Very Very nice one sided map! It looks clean throughout every pic of the defenders base. But looking at the attackers it looks sloppy. Putting all your effort into your maps makes people respect you and like you. I like the defenders base because it is not one of those "crazy strongholds" that are impossible to get into without help of numerous people. The artistic aspects of your ma are just a little over average. Also the position of the sniper area looks just right! What I would suggest for next time or v2 is that you bring down the amount of power weapons! Do the attackers get any? Nice, clean, excellently done overall. -Irish
it seems i have seen a clocktower executed way better before, with more effort, the teleporters inside the box, and you could instantly tell its a clock.... I cant seem to remember though... *cough*Metro*cough*, maybe it will come to me later lol.
Nice, another map by you that is very creative aesthetically and that is also clearly designed for competitive gameplay! Oh yeah, I'm loving this map! Again, your aesthetics are very nice and I most definitely like the clock tower and stair design. You seemed to have also implicated some geo-merging which is a huge plus. My only suggestion is that you could fill in the area in front of the clock tower some because it seems too open. 5/5, you made a great map!
I gave it a forgethrough, and it looks like a very solid map. First off, I recommend to everyone that if you have an open box for the purpose of going through, take the extra time to geomerge it one side-door length in to remove that bottom. It adds some quality to the map, and is smoother to run on. I found a couple ways to camo, but it's pretty difficult. I know that's what you're going for, but it's not always fun for the less-skilled people at jumps.
Some interlocking looks epic some looks a bit sloppy. The map looks very open. Some nice geo-merging too. 3.5/5
Thanks alot for all the good comments, I have some replys to what you've said. First, H3c, It is quite hard to get to the camo, but I think that with the power weapons and all on the map, it should balance out a bit, I didn't really won't people with shotguns and swords running around with camo, not that the weapons spawn that fast . But you get the point. Second, Irish Beast, yeah, the attackers get quite alot of power weapons, and, if I remember correctly, some of them spawn faster than the ones in the main base, so yes, the attackers get plenty of weapons. =] Next, I'd like to say that the map may look a bit empty, but once you play it a bit, you understand that it all adds to the gameplay, atleast, it did for me. There are some really quite covered bits and plenty of places for people to recover from fire and enemys without them attacking you for a few seconds. Thanks again for the comments and rating it, I appreciate you thinking about what you post. =D