Map variant: DOWNLOAD Game variant: DOWNLOAD After a crazy idea in I had while talking in the shoutbox the other day I decided to make a mini-game map based off The Assault from American Gladiators. The idea is, for those that don't know, the Gladiator is on top of a tower with a big tennis ball cannon trying to shoot at the challenger as he/she run to different points of cover and tries to shoot at a target above the gladiators head to take them out or just make it to each point and fire each weapon to get a point. The challenger with the most points at the end wins. Had to tweak it a little bit for Halo but I believe I kept the spirit of the contest. Instead of a tennis ball cannon the gladiator now gets a tanks and damage resistance for the challenger is turned up to 150% and 2 minutes to run the course. The map as seen from the Gladiator pedestal. The Challenger spawns in a well covered area safe from attack: The Gladiator spawns next to a tank floating over a 'water tank': First point, just a gimmie to get you going in the right direction. The second Checkpoint. Use the turret to try and shoot between the walls at the target, but be carefull it is possible for the tank to shoot you. Throw the flar along the man cannons to try and blind the Gladiator as you run to the next point. what the Gladiator sees: What the challenger sees: Third Checkpoint, just a bit of cover too keep you getting blasted right away: Fourth Check point, Pick up the Spiker for a chance to shoot the target fusion coil. The tank cannot shoot you straight on here unless you are trying to shoot it. the two shield doors are off set so you have to step through the top one to be able to shoot making it easier for the tank to shoot you so timing is important: Next step, use the SMG to try and hit the target but beccarefull, the tank can shoot through the crack. Between the previous one and this one there is a grav lift you can pick up to be able to reach a bubble shield hovering a bove for a bit of extra cover when you need it. Next step, pick up the Grenade and try to nail the tank but be careful it's a lot easier for the gladiator to see you here and squatting next to the crates give some cover but no guarantees. Best to aim and trow quickly then duck. Last heck point. If you make it to this spot congradulations. Rocket launcher here because if you make it this far and that pesky gladiator is still there, he deserves to be shot lol. And here is the Gladiator defeated in a flame kissed plummet to his doom. Some other action shots:
This is a must have d/l great for when u and a friend want to do a fun map. I could play this map for hours. 8/10
Looks pretty cool, too bad I don't have the new maps...I don't feel like giving Microsoft any more money at the moment...
It's set up for 1v1. Making it bigger would have taken away from the feel of it and make it too easy for one side.
That was actually the hardest part. Had to be stable enough for the tank to sit on it at an angle and shoot yet be able to fall apart when hit just right. Solution, crates on teleporter receivers with power cores between the rows of crates.
This is a very good idea. Kind of like Red light Green light. Ahh the memories of fouth grade gym class...
Aww man this sucks. Not the map its a fun map i love it but i had the same idea yesterday and then i look on forgehub and my random first choice is this. Uggg. Anyways nicely made thought about making a new version of this but it wouldn't be worth it. Good job.
Mate, plenty of room for improvement. If you want to take up the challenge then go for it. I'll even give you leave to use this map as your base start if you want so you don't have to go through the trouble of setting up the gladiator/tank destructible platform.
looks good although a tanks a bit different than a tennis ball shooter. It's a shame there aren't footballs on avalancche. have you tried using the filters aswell they make the game quite funny though sometimes.
Original plan called for a Gauss but that seems to be the one vehicle I CAN'T get on Avalanche. And no I don't like the filters.
Wow this looks pretty good! The screenshots look great .. And seems alot of fun in big lobbies .. Good job! =]