Wow, neat Forging. Your stile is epic. The layout looks awesome, I like how you used all of Foundry and how you made the wall in the middle.
Epic map. Love the interlocking and geomerging! The half circle tunnel is ftw! I can't wait to play this! you got a download! 5/5
Ah you decided to post your map but there's no pictures of me. (I was one of the testers but no pictures of my killtacular anywhere. The map was very fun and you were working on it for about a month. I remember when you were still working on the defenders base and there was about 7 people in forge all killing each other. It was epic win. I loved playing 1-Bomb on this map because I got to the other base so quickly using the ledge to get across the map. I downloaded the version you updated and see you've taken out the rocket launcher from the attackers and put it down as a power weapon. This map deserves to get featured. I'll recommned it now since that I've already downloaded it and played it too. Overall: 5/5, 10/10, 100/100 or whatever you prefer, +rep for you too. -Hitman
Thanks Hitman. I wish I still had the film of your killtack, but I wouldn't be able to take an in-game shot of that (only you would be able to). lol. I also didn't notice or name any specific testers because there ended up being about 30-40 different people. You, however, have kept with me and given me something to do whenever I took a forge break with this map (checking out your various ships, haha). You also were simply respectful in general, until newcomers joined us and you killed them with the Rocket Launcher (*cough*Snowboarder*cough*). So, I thank you for your awesomeness. I highly recommend you play the slightly updated version (unless you already did that) because of the rocket launcher change, the weapon respawn changes, the player respawn changes, and the geomerged A-signs at the ledges. Now, the attackers can't go ALL the way over to the defenders' base and camp on their roof (because that's just unfair), but they still go some of the way.
Well, I like being a camper and I downloaded the new and updated version last night when I was looking through your fileshare. That's how I seen you replaced the previous rocket launcher spawn with a respawn point and moved the rocket launcher to the center piece of the map. I told you to do that anyways and I did have fun killing you and snowboarder. I sent you messages while my mic was broke and told you to run. While we were doing forge I shot a rocket at snowboarder and you just managed to jump into the way and save him but then I betrayed you and then I blew up snowboarder....About 8 times. Happy Face
You have a lot going on here, I like it, new to FH, these maps are a great. Looks like it took a long time. nice job.
AMAZING map! Great interlocking, great geomerging, great pretty damn near everything! My only complaint would be on the playable gametypes (I suck at SWAT, and I know few people who actually play it), but there's always a V2. Other than that, you have done an incredible job. I raise my glass to you, sir! *clink*
Only issue with that is that I made it FOR SWAT games to be played. I'm not gonna lie, while I was forging this, I was playing a lot of maps that I felt were boring simply because they were using the default gametype settings. SWAT adds a new twist onto an already urban map. With the bases so far apart, and the map representative of a realistic modern environment, SWAT fits in perfectly, in my opinion.
Wow dude. You dont usually see this kind of thing on foundry. It almost looks as if you doubled all the items available. Seems everything that could be used was used. The layout is amazing. nice open spots and nice open spots. Theres nothing out of place. This is one insane map man. ULTRAPROPS haha. congrats on that.
Very professional interlocking and merging, and some cool ideas. It looks like it could played with a default gametype too. You got my DL
Thanks. And yes, I used the maximum # of items possible for the budget. But, however, for those who are interested, I'm giving important advice when I say that your map should try NOT to hit the limit. I ran into all kinds of problems in the process... Thanks. If you do get a chance to try it out with normal gametypes, I'm still curious to see if the map would work... Thanks. If you get a chance to play it, let me know how you like it.
I played Team SWAT on this map the other day with a party of 8 people. Not only is the map itself fantastic and visually appealing, but the gameplay is equally fantastic. The bases themselves are flawlessly interlocked and simply amazing; the bunker-like windows provide both cover and shooting space which is great for SWAT. The large area between the two bases is also littered with very useful cover which makes for some interesting and tactical battles.
wow i really love this map. The aesthetics have given me a forgegasm. And gameplay looks awesome. And the cover looks very well placed. Doesnt look like there will be many spawn kills so im gonna download this map. As a side note the panoramic pictures are very sweet. I think you might have a feature here
Thanks man. Glad to see that people are supportive of my original decision to make this a SWAT map. Thanks again. Spawn killing was never a problem at all in games, even with members of opposite teams invading bases. I think there are 16 spawn points for each team. Thanks. Haven't seen the movie. This map has nothing to do with the movie, just in case you were wondering. lol. EDIT: I know numerous people who rated my thread 5/5. So someone absolutely rated this a 1/5... Also, someone recently gave me a review on this map, saying there wasn't enough cover. He also said gameplay looked bad because of my weapon choice, and that he had seen SWAT maps before, therefore, the map is unoriginal. This brings me to 3 things I want people to understand: 1. Did I add enough cover to both sides? Does every little bunker, hiding spot, movable object, etc. mean anything towards the cover? 2. If you have played it, did you really go and pick up the weapons I put down? Seeing as though you start with BR's, I'd say the majority of the time, no. But that's OK. I put weapons on the map for some originality, and variety of choice, depending on the situation of combat you are in. The rockets are NOT overpowered. You can easily kill the person who picks them up with a single headshot. Same thing for the turret. Also, don't forget that the map can be played with Fiesta gametypes, where the weapons on the map can help you out. 3. I want someone to find a SWAT map that uses all of Foundry, has map-wide bases and a battleground, has settings that allow for weapons OTHER than BR's and magnums to be used, has this amount of cover and depth, and has a scale of interlocking and geomerging wide enough for such a vast map. Point is, don't assume anything before you play it, because I worked long and hard on this map... That is all.
Holy balls! Somebody feature this. Those panoramas are great. You can really see the map well. I tell you sir, I'ma gonna dl this asap!
Thanks. I still have an odd feeling that people don't realize that the door takes you up. lol. Thanks yo. I doubt this will get featured because the map demands certain customization of gametypes. This is CERTAINLY not a negative, because it allows for different gameplay and uniqueness, but I've never seen a featured map that doesn't really work with normal gametypes, ya know? TBH, I wouldn't change this at all because I feel this is the best I can do and I want the maps I make to follow my guidelines, not the guidelines of others.
Okay, finally got time to really comment on this. First of, congratulations. I believe this is a hot file. Its about time you start getting noticed. With good reason, too, the geomerging is so clean and smooth. Also, the chute and angled window panels in the base were sweet. The use of pallets as destructible platforms was smart as well. One of the minor problems I had was on more than one occasion I had trouble moving around. I mean I had to crouch or thought I had to crouch or couldn't jump into an area, small things like that. Also, it felt like I spawned in the back right corner of the back base constantly. Other than that, my only complaint is that I didn't feel like there was a goal in slayer games. There wasn't one part of the map anyone tried to control, we were just running around killing each other, which isn't necessarily bad. These are all minor things and overall, I'd go 4.6 - 4.7 of 5. Great work, man.