Ok, I'd compare this to the Baseball world series, America would come in, own everyone due to sheer amount of numbers, and leave everyone fighting for second and third. and yeah, after america, Australia would pwn eh Linu?
Yeah, us Aussies are just so awesome that we pwn our way to 2nd although if America didn't trump us with their numbers you can guarantee we'd be riding our kangaroos onto the first place podeum.
I say we organize people into groups then call them countries. That way people in the US who want to be in but can't because of the 8 members can still forge.
When colaberating maps, you don't forge with multiple people in the party. That's silly. The lag will play an enormous roll in what happens.
He's Canadian, and I don't think they're any more "great" Canadian Forgers to work along side with him, most well known forgers are from the US. Although, if us Canadians did make a map, it must be on Avalanche and have maple syrup!
We could go by peoples ethnicity. Go, Italy. Another thought see who would want to participate in an event like this. Quite a few judges would be needed. Map time limits should be two weeks with a map theme. IE competitive, casual, mini-game. A eight week event with four different map themes. World cup held every eight months. Winning team gets a custom member rank plus A gold medal engraved with the monitor. (forge mode)
I think America would need multiple teams, maybe 3 or 4. And it should be done closer to summer in 2010 when the world cup is.
I like how you think and i've had a good thought about all your comments. The biggest thought was about the population of good American forgers. Whoever said it sorry i forgot but i might go with north, south, west and east teams. My other option would be to have a before world cup tourny. This would only include the teams mentioned above. The winning team would represent their country. If you moan because you haven't got a lot of the all stars in your team then stop moaning and move . only jk but this is the only fair way i could think of. Otherwise we go with the American all star team. Hope that helped. The british team so far seems good i just have to ask a couple more people. Thanks for all your comments and votes, keep em coming.