Rush Created By: Ififrito92 Recommended Players: 4-10 Supported Gametypes: 1 flag, 1 bomb, and FFA slayer This is one of my earlier maps so it does not have the geo-merging and forging techniques that are apparent in my others. Nevertheless, I think it is a pretty cool map. Rush is a one sided objective map that also features several aesthetics. The first major aspect that will pop out at you is the garage door, which can be manually opened. (but not closed =[ ) This can be accesed via a node which the defense has access to... Although not very useful in gameplay, it is still a sweet door and adds to the feel of the map. The level basically consists of a base and several pathways and access points leading up to the base. The gameplay is fast paced and requires that the defense be on their toes at all times. (For they never know where the offense will strike next.) Like I said, this is one of my earlier maps, so its not my best work, but I think it is still worthy of a download. DOWNLOAD HERE: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details SCREENSHOTS: Enjoy! Overview 1 Overview of Base Overview of Offensive Side of Map Overview of Middle Platform Sorry there aren't many screenshots, these are all I have....DOWNLOAD HERE: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
I love the middle structure. It would of been nice if you flipped the boxes in some area's though, that my ciritism. Nice otherwise!
this map would be very fun to tell you that 3.9/5 it just looks great but one thing in pic 3 on the ground is there any cover?
It looks pretty well forged, everything seems to be bunched up in the middle though. If you decided to widen the middle out you could fill in the sides of the map which you've left relatively empty. Also, the garage idea sounds pretty sweet but could you include a screenshot of it
It's a pretty good map. I definitely prefer your map Contusion, not just because of the interlocking, because this map doesn't have lots of unique structures like Contusion does. Not bad, but this one doesn't get a DL from me, just not unique enough.
I dont know what else to say besides i love it! Wait yes i do, the interlocking is amazing and it supposts the map the best. What I really like is having the double wall on the barriers. it works great with the map. 5/5
flipp thosed cosed double boxes, looks really great the other side of foundry looks a little underused, though, mabey fill it up
looks ok, but a biot scrappy in parts. try interlocking the double boxes in third picture. And in the last picture there looks to be alot of open space. But pics can be decieiving i guess
DL! This is great! This is the kind of map I've been looking for. Nice interlocks. This should make for some good gameplay, especially if you can get a fun gametype going.
Wow I saw tom sawyer and then this. In one word: amazing. Your designs are so new and the layout of your maps is to be envied. One thing I've seen is people complaining about interlocking and geomerging as if that actually affects the gameplay of the map so much so that you should make a v2. Keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about them.