Hallowen forge contest submission thread!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by N1SS3 200, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. N1SS3 200

    N1SS3 200 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Allright, this is where we all shall be submitting the maps for the "Hallowen forge contest.
    Now, before I go any further:

    If you post anything besides your map, you will be Disqualified.

    So again, in case you missed it in the original thread, here are the rules:
    Rules of contest:

    • You MUST use foundry.
    • if you steal another map from someone you're gonna get disqualified.
    • the map must be submited by 10th november
    • and you must post it in the submission thread.
    • Only allowed to post one map.
    • and it must be an infection map
    • you can't submit a map that was made before october
    Map Rating Criteria:

    Maps will be judged and reviewed on the following five criteria:

    Enjoyment: The FUN factor! A high scoring map will have people saying "it's over already?" and "let's play that again!" This is probably the most subjective category, because what is fun for one person might be boring or frustrating for someone else.

    Balance: "Tank beats everything" is great for Campaign, but not for Multiplayer. A high scoring map will have a counter to every strategy, weapon, vehicle, and piece of equipment.

    Durability: You can't break this map no matter how hard you try. A high scoring map will work right every time. Players will not be able to escape the play area, will not be able to spawn camp, and will not be able to exploit any features of the map.

    Aesthetics: So pretty you almost forgot you're supposed to be killing people. A high scoring map will look good, obviously. This doesn't necessarily mean neat and tidy, but the map should have distinct features to help players immerse themselves in the game and orient themselves within the map.

    Originality: Another death pit? Fail. A high scoring map will help players experience Halo in a way they never have before. This can be done with innovative layouts or original game settings. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just present something fresh.

    Each of the above will be rated out of 10. An average of all the scores will be made, and that will be the final score. Just like 'The Furious Review'.

    The Grand Prize's.

    1: prize: 2100 microsoft points.
    2: prize: 1800 microsoft points.
    3: prize: one month live.

    so remember that you have the ability to win microsoft points or 1 month live.


    User Name(s): Example text
    Map Name: (Name must link to map)
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation.
    Gametype: example text

    Thanks everyone for competing, and forge well =]

    Discuss here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/39815-hallowen-forge-contest.html
    #1 N1SS3 200, Oct 12, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  2. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    User Name(s): TheGreatHibiki
    Map Name: The Haunted Inn
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes. The ability for objects to fit and not have players stick to edges I feel allow better gameplay.
    Gametype: Trick or Treat
    #2 TheGreatHibiki, Oct 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Just want to let you know that there is a contest like this already. Here. Just in case you did not know.
  4. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #4 Mastar, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  5. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    User Name(s): Blazen Nite
    Map Name: The Hood
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No, i do prefer using advanced forge techs. It helps take out little spaces in the map and also makes the map look a little better.
    Gametype: Gametype
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    User Name(s): xFr1ct10nx
    Map Name: Dead Man's Road
    Did you read and follow instructions:Yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No. I perfer it unless i feel that it is unneeded(for example roofs of mazes/flat roofs, etc...)
    Gametype: Rise of the Undead

    plz enjoy.

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