This is my new map, called (Not Officially) Drop-Off. I know I am changing yeah. Picture is below (Only one pic because thats the only part I am completly finished with). Spoiler I will be done problably this week. Edit : The plasma pistol is Asseymetrical.
Drop-off sounds nice, kinda original. if u need suggestions for names i can help. one thing u can do is use music names or lyrics. what i do sometimes is if i hear a kool sounding word in english or science class i use it. my newest set of maps is going to be called Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase (the phases a cell goes through during cell division)
Great spelling...just joking. The map looks alright. Nothing spectacular really catches my eye, but as you said, this is only a part of the map.
Looks like it coming along nicely. Great interlocking. I really want to see whats at the end of that hall. And btw, keep the name.
Uhh this really is the first teaser that is actually a teaser to me. Most teaser's show a large peice of a map, but this just shows you a random hallway that seems very easily made... ehh w/e