I have just created another map to where both sides are exactly the same. This map is ideal for anything and plays great. Fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=snoozy+cj More Pics: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253596 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253291 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253323 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253269 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253266 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamert ag=snoozy%20cj&ssid=23253191 Fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=snoozy%20cj
1) Do NOT link you map to your fileshare 2) Do NOT take pictures directly form Bungie 3) You do NOT have a description 4) You NEED embedded pictures 5) This post = Fail (as of right now)
Cr0ok3d , I don't see the ( new topic ) button in the bungie forum and I can't post my map! can you help me?
Go to your fileshare and right under the map you want it will say Publish to forums. *Click that* Then you need to create a post on Bungie about your map. After that take that link and post it here using this code Code: [url=THE LINK FROM B.NET]THE NAME[/url] Anything else?
I don't even know where to begin telling you how wrong this post is, I know it can be confusing the first time...
This is a pointless post and spam. You are not helping in any way. Atleast give suggestions on how to fix it or something. All you are doing is making a new member feel like ****.
Hey crooked it's a joke, laugh a little.. Everything that needs to be fix has already been said! and by the way spam is posting 5 different times on this kids thread, you are extreamly redundant! You want to help him then SEND HIM A MESSAGE...
You actually have posted about 5 pictures like this today already. Also spamming does not have to be multiple posts. If nothing else needed to be said then why did you post something? Post count or fun? I am not trying to come down on you or anthing either. I am a member at like 20 forum pages. Now I do not go on them everyday or anything but they don't allow stuff that you do. A lot of people on those forums are obsessed with getting their post count up for special promotions. At all those other sites and here at FH you do not get promoted for posting crap. If you want to move up you need to post a well-thought out post that has meaning. I don't want ForgeHub to turn into nothing like the other sites because of spamming.
wow, calm down evry1... I did practically the same thing but WAY worse on my first post... Don't worry CJ, I'll take you through the map posting process... First go to your fileshare and click *publish to forums* (you probably have done that by now afte everyone yelling at you...) Then, when you've filled out a topic name and a body for your post, post it and copy the url of the page that has your forum post on it. Now, go back to your post in FH and edit your link like this: [ url=http://copy and paste your bungie forum post url here] DOWNLOAD HERE BEEYACHES!!!!! [/url] (don't use the space after the first [ in your post, I just have that so the whole url thing doesn't dissapear. You probably woud've figured that out eventually. I'm just making things overobvious.) There, now you have a link to your map. Next, download all of your bungie service record pics that you want to use to your desktop or an easily accessible folder and go to XS.TO and upload your pictures with the following instructions: choose your file (the pic you want to upload) and click "I agree to the license agreement and stuff". Then click upload and it will take you to a new page. On this page, it will have a code for embedding your picture into a forum. copy this code. Now go back to your FH post and paste the code where you want your picture. Do this for all of the pictures you want to upload and everybody will be happy. BTW I use photobucket because I can upload multiple images at once, but with xs.to, you don't need an account. Hope that helps and happy forging!