Carnage Cube Made by: iNeurotic (ROC bioflame) I hope your not Claustrophobic... DOWNLOAD CARNAGE CUBE Overview Description (2-4 players) I hope your not Claustrophobic... Carnage Cube was made for a small chaotic battles in which there is never ever silence. The map is simply a 3x3 (length in double boxes) box with 4 towers in the middle and an indention with a camo that spawns right in the middle. The four towers are connected via bridges which can be used to get up to the top. Once the top you can grab a mauler or two, as they are the most useful weapon on the map, and jump down and ambush players. There is no power weapons and duals rule the map. Lower Level Gametypes (Recommended) Team Slayer (2v2) FFA Slayer (4 players) KOTH (2v2 or FFA) (Other Gametypes) One Flag Multi-Flag Assualt Oddball Lower Zoom Weapons and Equipment Battle Rifles [x2] Assault Rifle [x2] SMG [x4] Plasma Rifle [x4] Mauler [x2] Frag Gernade [x4] Plasma Gernade [x4] Active Camo Top View DOWNLOAD CARNAGE CUBE Please pardon the short amount of pictures, as there is not enough angles I could get of this map, thank you. //:END_TRANSITION
looks cool but it seems to me that spawn killing would be very annoying and the map is really to small. it is made very well, but its just way to small an simple to interest me sorry 2/5
wow looks really fun there is some great interlocking so props for that but like that guy said it looks like there would be alot of spawn killing i like it i will dl when i clear some room props man keep forging 8/10
This map seems very simple, but very well forged. Even this simple map takes really good forging skills to do. I dont the best at interlocking, so i am not the best at these maps. What I really like about your map is the active camo, what would be a real cool thing would have it infinit respawn. 4/5
Actually spawn camping isn't really a big problem, there is a small amount of camping but there isn't alot of weapons to camp with, the weapon that you can really camp with is a BR and they don't even have full clips.
i would like to see you make a bigger map, cuz this map is way to small, but the interlocking is amazing, keep it up.
Looks like a very fun and chaotic map. Good for a few quick 1v1 battles, although the Maulers kind of worry me. Seems like you grab them and the active camo and you can rack up about ten points with no worry. 4/5
Dood this is very simple, but you made it look AWESOME!! The only thing that i would say, as everyone else said, spawn killing...but i think all you have to do is to make holes in the wall....if this will work to do this The 1's are the walls and the 0's are the space inside....hopefully that it shows up Well its looks kool...good job! 111111111111 100000000001 100000000011 100001111111
I think you should put more screenshots, but other than that it's an awesome map. I love the hole under the camo.
I think the screenshots he has are plenty, honestly, he could do with just the first one. You can basically see the whole map in there. I am a fan of "lobby games". This is a term I use to refer to games that would be HILARIOUS to screw around with while you wait for people to join your party so you can play actual games. I'm not saying this game wouldn't be epic fun and quite entertaining, I'm just saying that realistically, it isn't something people are gonna play once they have enough manpower to go about other things. That said, the map is well-built. Good interlocks, and for such a small map I really think you put some time into this design. It seems simple, but once you play and realize how perfect the heights of the bridges and towers are, you'll realize that this map had a lot more though put in than you think. Probably my favorite lobby game so far. Only flaw is, it's just that. 4/5, and I'll say what I always do: I wanna see you put your talents into making something bigger and badder. Let there be Forging =D
Hmmmm this map has really good interlocking, amazing, but there are prob a couple of things wrong with it Already mentioned is how small it is and how spawn killing would be a major issue, but there is something i'm surprised no-one picked up, this map looks so much like thesilencebroken's Aurora map its not funny, he even had the depressed bridges in the middle, not knocking it or anything, but yea idk whether you thought of the idea or whether you took it off that map, you still need a bit cover around the cube, maybe have secret passages under the floor or something but yea So all in all about 1.5/5 for the interlocking